Reference no: EM132141583 , Length: word count : 1100
Report topic
Gather information about a career or position to which you aspire. Learn about the nature of the job. Discover whether certification, a license or experience is required. One of the best places to search is the latest Occupational Outlook Handbook compiled by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Google the latest Handbook and either input your desired occupation using the Search box or click an A-Z Index Link. Also, determine what training, education and/or other background you might need to be promoted into such a position. Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses in relation to this goal.
Your Task: To write a report to your instructor that describes your targeted career area/promotion, including the following:
• Discuss the nature of the work, working conditions, necessary qualifications, and the future job outlook for the occupation, including any special considerations if you are in the US on a visa.
• Provide information about the career/position gained through interviews with one or more individuals working in similar positions.
• Create a SWOT analysis for your potential to be considered for this career/position.
• Include any additional personal insights regarding information that would affect your employability/promotability.
The length should be in the range of about 1000 words +/- 10%. Longer is not necessarily better, but it should not be fewer than 900 words nor longer than 1100 words.
Attachment:- Report topic.rar
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