Discuss the mitigations or counter measures

Assignment Help Theory of Computation
Reference no: EM133047810 , Length: word count:2400

Assignment Description

This assignment is individual, You have to write a paper with a total size of 2400words in the ACM SIG template(excluding references). Please check the Section 5 for more info on the template.

Research Paper Structure

The paper should contain at least the following sections. Note that you may add sections and subsections to improve the paper and its structure; for example, you may want to organise the literature review in sub-sections.

1. An abstract provides a compact summary of the report, whichhightlight what you have done, and usually include the major findings and their significance.It is very important that based on the abstract a reader should be able to tell whether your paper will be useful to them. (ideally 200-300 words)

2. An introduction summarizes your research question and its context/background (such as trends, statistics, recent developments in the field), the practical relevance of this question, the initial goal of your paper (how you expected to answer your research question), the relevance of the question for practitioners or researchers, how you did answer your question, and how the paper is structured.

3. A critical analysis of existing literature relevant to your research question. Identify any interesting results, insights, how effective are the proposed methods, and their limitations. Where applicable, also review relevant practices from high quality sources. Additionally, consider the extent to which methods proposed in research papers have been tested in industry. Due to the constraint on page number, only consider the most relevant, recent papers in the field.

4. Based on the drawbacks and limitation identified in this field, propose and discuss a possible (future) direction to improve or overcome some of these drawbacks. You may also discuss the mitigations or counter measures collected from research and/or current practices that minimise or avoid issues identified by the literature review.

• Note that you do not have to develop a method (since it is out of scope of this assignment), but only provide some interesting thoughts and discussion on a possible direction (i.e., mainly expressing your idea).

5. A conclusiondrawing conclusions about what you have achieved, reflecting on your initial goal, and summarize the main findings.

Research Topic

3.1. Web Security
• Phishing attack
• SQL injection
• Cross site scripting (XSS)
• Cross site request forgery (CSRF)
• Browser security
• Certificate vulnerabilities (e.g., Heartbleed bug)
• Typosquatting

3.2. Coping with Internal Attackers/Threats
• Based on honeynet/honeypot/honeytokens
• Based on trap documents
• Based on intrusion detection system (IDS)

3.3. Authentication Methods
• Multi-factor authentication
• Biometric authentication
• Graphical Passwords
• Shoulder Surfing
• Single Sign On (SSO)

3.4.Security and Privacy of Cloud services
• Client-side/end-to-end encryption vs. server side encrytion scheme
• Privacy and accountability of cloud services
o from the data subjects (user), data controller (service provider), and legal perspective.
• Big data problem in cloud computing and storage
• Data theft in cloud (e.g., Fog computing)
• Automated malware analysis in the cloud
• Health-care management in the cloud

3.8 Security and Privacy inSocialNetworks
• Centralized and decentralized (peer 2 peer) social networks
• Privacy and accountability of social networks
o from the data subjects (user), data controller (service provider), and legal perspective.
• Protecting children in online social networks
• Crowdturfing activities in online social networks and detection
• Sybil (fake) account problem in online social networks and detection

3.10 Firewall, IDS Security
• Firewall/IDS misconfiguration problems
o Inconsistency/Anomaly in firewall and IDS rulesets
• Conformation between high-level firewall/IDS policy and low-level firewall/IDS configuration


You may browse the websites of the following top conferences and journal for the most relevant related works. Note that each conference and journal have a different version each year, e.g., CCS 2019, CCS 2020, etc., therefore you can Googlebased on the conference name + year + keywords. Also, keep in mind that these are only recommendation, you are allowed to work with papers from other places.

• ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS)
• USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX)
• IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
• Network & Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS)
• European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)
• ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WISEC)
• ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS)
• Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS)
• Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES)

Reference no: EM133047810

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12/15/2021 9:37:25 PM

Note that the ACM SIG template uses numbered references, not Harvard style referencing

Write a Review

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How the problem would be encountered in attempting to represent the following statements in Predicate logic. it should be possible to: John only likes to see French movies.

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