Discuss the merits of the law proposed by france

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM132780296

Case - McDonald's and Obesity

Topic 1: Describe the "McDonald''s experience" as envisaged by the company at the time the video case about McDonald's expansion to India was developed. How did the company perceive their product/service offering?

Topic 2: Describe the strategy that McDonald''s used to obtain/assure their supply of (quality specifications and quantity) raw materials in India to produce their menu offerings.

Topic 3: Describe McDonald''s philosophy for business expansion as explained in the first (India) video case.

Question 1. How should McDonald's respond when ads promoting healthy lifestyles featuring Ronald McDonald are equated with Joe Camel and cigarette ads? Should McDonald's elimi- nate Ronald McDonald in its ads?

Question 2. Discuss the merits of the law proposed by France that would require fast-food companies either to add a health message to commercials or pay a 1.5 percent tax on their ad budgets. Propose a strategy for McDonald's to pay the tax or add health messages, and defend your recommendation.

Question 3. If there is no evidence that obesity rates fall in those coun- tries that ban food advertising to children, why bother?

Question 4. The broad issue facing McDonald's U.K. is the current at- titude toward rising obesity. The company seems to have tried many different approaches to deal with the problem, but the problem persists. List all the problems facing McDonald's and critique its various approaches to solve the problems.

Question 5. Based on your response to Question 4, recommend both a short-range and long-range plan for McDonald's to implement.

Attachment:- Case -McDonalds and Obseity.rar

Attachment:- McDonald experience.rar

Verified Expert

The paper is regarding the local manufacturing philosophy that the company chooses in terms of expanding their business within India. The company changes the content of their menu according to the country along with that the local partnerships that the company builds with local suppliers helps the corporation to expand in a more effective manner within India an to fulfill the demands of raw materials for their outlets.

Reference no: EM132780296

Questions Cloud

Analyze at least one issue in contemporary management : Analyze at least one issue in contemporary management that may be relevant in this case study.
Describe the importance of data in analytics : Considering the new and broad definition of business analytics, what are the main inputs and outputs to the analytics continuum?
Outline the legislative and regulatory context : Outline the legislative and regulatory context of the organisation in relation to risk management.
How the sociocultural context influences development : In Chapter 1, you've been learning about how the sociocultural context influences development, as one theme of child development. For this activity.
Discuss the merits of the law proposed by france : How should McDonalds respond when ads promoting healthy lifestyles featuring Ronald McDonald are equated with Joe Camel and cigarette ads
Explain the purpose of industry feasibility analysis : Explain the purpose of industry/target market feasibility analysis. Briefly describe its three components.What is a target market?
Conventional computer-aided manufacturing industry : The recent advances in information and communication technology (ICT) has promoted the evolution of conventional computer-aided manufacturing industry
Describe the purpose of organizational feasibility analysis : Why do most start-ups start in target markets rather than broader markets that have more customers? Describe the purpose of organizational feasibility analysis
What is a leaders vision and why is it important : What is a leader's vision, and why is it important? In 25 words or less, write your vision statement, articulating your leadership goal based on what you.


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