Reference no: EM131299421
Answer the following questions related to the paper by Dupas (You can skip Section 4)
1. Discuss the main goal of the paper
2. Discuss why we may expect positive effects in the long run and why we may also expect negative effects
3. Describe the health product studied in the paper
4. Describe in detail the two phases of the experiment
5. What are the results in the first phase? (refer to Fig.1) How do they relate to what has been discussed during the lecture?
6. Are there spillover effects? How does the author manage to test for that? (refer to Table 2 and the equation at page 8)
7. Discuss results obtained in the second part of the experiment (refer to both Fig 2 and Table 2)
8. Finally, discuss whether the results obtained can be extended to other important health products
Affect the hr manager hiring decisions
: What are the Type I and II decision error costs? Which decision error is more likely to be discovered by the CEO? How does this affect the HR manager's hiring decisions?
Effects of a minimum-wage increase
: Go to the internet and find a news article that discusses the effects of a minimum-wage increase on the U.S. economy, summarize key points and post in the Discussions area.
How many persons were blue-eyed on the island
: On the 43rd night after this happens, many inhabitants flee from the island. How many persons were blue-eyed on the island?
What is the apthophsiologic process you will explain to him
: He is overweight and spends most of his time playing computer games or watching television. As a health professional, what advice will you give him? What is the apthophsiologic process you will explain to him?
Discuss the main goal of the paper
: 1. Discuss the main goal of the paper. 2. Discuss why we may expect positive effects in the long run and why we may also expect negative effects. 3. Describe the health product studied in the paper
Briefly introduce the company you have chosen to research
: Briefly introduce the company you have chosen to research. Summarize the two articles you found in the CSU Online Library. Describe how these companies are using electronic media and e-mail.
At what point would lending loop become a financially viable
: At what point would Lending Loop become a financially viable business, or was more funding needed for marketing to scale the platform?
Determine a probable price
: This case is about structuring the financing. You do not need to change the FCF or value unless you really feel they missed something. You will need to construct a financing schedule. Determine a probable price
Define your own recursive implementation of linklist
: Define your own recursive implementation of LinkList in a separate file called "". Create an object of RecLinkedList to be used in storing and handling employees' data.