Discuss the lost cause myth and the way it rewrote history

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133732152


Assignment on Historical Memory Historical Reality The Assignment for Module 1 includes two short-answer question. Each answer will be worth 5 points and should be about 2 paragraphs in length. Base your answers on the information presented in the Historical Reality Historical Memory Sway lesson. Do not use outside sources. Be sure to use specific examples included in our lesson (including the assigned readings and videos). Answer the questions in your own words.

1) How did the Supreme Court cases of 1883 (Civil Rights Cases) and 1896 (Plessy v. Ferguson) allow for the rise of the Jim Crow South with its legal racial discrimination and segregation? Discuss John Marshall Harlan's reasoning in his dissents for each case. (In other words, why did Harlan disagree with the majority? Why did he see both majority decisions as constitutionally wrong?)

2) In the Florida Humanities Council video, Professor Revels and Professor Taylor discuss the Lost Cause myth and the way it rewrote history. Based on their discussion, explain what the Lost Cause myth was and why the South felt the need to create it. How do we know that it was a myth?


Formatting: 12-point font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, one-inch margins. Points will be deducted if not formatted correctly.

File format: Submit as either a .doc, .docx., or .pdf. Avoid "Shared" documents since they also do not work with the Blackboard system. The assignment will earn a zero if not submitted in the correct format.

Reference no: EM133732152

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