Discuss the legal issues

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Reference no: EM133409695


With consideration to Genesis chapter 12:6-7, please discuss the legal issues and your conclusions on how a court would decide the following hypothetical: Charlie Corn owned a 60-acre farm in Waterloo, Nebraska. There was a long dirt road that connected Mr. Corn's farm to the main roadway heading towards Omaha Nebraska. On the other side of Mr. Corn's farm, Betty Beans owns two pieces of property. First Ms. Beans owns 10 acres of farm land which is connected by another dirt road to the main road heading towards Omaha. The second piece of Ms. Beans property consists of 20 acres of farm land which has no direct access to the main road without crossing the Corn's property.

For twenty years the Corns and Beans have allowed each other to drive on all of the roads on the property to conduct their farming business. However, when the Corn's sold their property to David Developer, Mr. Developer put up fences on the borders of his property thereby prohibiting the Beans from being able to access their second piece of farm land. The Beans filed suit seeking use of the road to their property and back to the main road.

Reference no: EM133409695

Questions Cloud

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