Reference no: EM132940336
Submit a case study analysis of a Canadian case/tribunal decision, and provide an electronic copy of the reported case (or if the unreported case then the newspaper article or journal linking the case/decision) link to the actual case/decision that available on an accessible reporting site.
You may use references on the textbook or the internet but you must look up the full version of your case.
Canadian court decisions are available on, Sometimes full versions of very well-known cases can be found simply by Googling them.
Detailed format:
Make an analysis of a relatively recent case on a legal event/case.
The case/event should have taken place in Canada (preferably BC) within the last 5 years.
You must address the following in your Case Study:
Introduction to the story - please share the relevant facts and any background information that you believe is important;
Discuss the law that applies use your textbook; outline the law that was applied; explain why the judge/tribunal/decisions maker decided the way he/she did;
Provide your opinion do you agree with the decision that was made, why or why not;
You must provide a full and complete bibliography of any and all resources relied upon in your Case Study.