Discuss the Law of Torts and Negligence

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM132361730 , Length: word count:2000

Business Law Assignment - Written Report and Presentation

Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) - Students are required to resolve two case problem type questions from a list of case problem questions provided from the prescribed textbook using IRAC method, based on topics discussed in lectures.

Case problem type questions include:

  • Contract Law
  • The Law of Torts and Negligence
  • Applications of Negligence to Business

Assignment Specifications -

Purpose: This assignment aims at ensuring that students have familiarised themselves with their chosen case problem type questions and are able to apply the legal knowledge to factual situations, through written and/or oral communication, to achieve a reasoned conclusion. The ability to identify the relevant legal issues from a factual situation and the application of statute and case law involves the use of problem solving and decision making skills.

Details: Topics and presentation schedule: Please organise yourselves into groups of not more than 5 students and not less than 3 students.

The assignment consists of 2 parts;

1. Written report -

This group assignment consists of 2 parts. Part A is a case study on Contract law, and Part B is a question involving Civil Liability (the Law of Torts and Negligence). Both questions must be answered.

The total word limit for the group report is 2,000 words. Each part has a maximum word count of 1,000 words.

The total word count for the report as well as each part must be clearly written on the cover sheet of the assignment. Your assignment will not be marked if the word counts are not written on the cover sheet.

PART A: Contract Law Questions

1. Refer to the prescribed textbook: Gibson, A, Business Law, 10th edition (Pearson, Sydney: 2017).

2. From Part 3 -Law of Contracts, Chapters 7 to 15 on Contract Law, refer to the "Tutorial Questions" at the end of the chapters and choose one (1) problem case question. Note: it must be a case problem-type question and not a short answer question.

3. You must send your lecturer the number of your question and the page on which is appears for approval. Do not starts work on a question without obtaining your lecturer's prior approval.

4. In not more than 1,000 words, answer your chosen legal case question using the IRAC method.

5. Your answer must be supported by relevant law and cases decided by Australian courts (preferably the High Court) and/or scholarly articles. A minimum of 3 references are required for this part of the report.

6. Your references must be listed in a Reference list at the end of the Part A question.

PART B: The Law of Torts and Negligence Questions

1. Refer to the prescribed textbook: Gibson, A, Business Law, 10th edition (Pearson, Sydney: 2017).

2. Refer to Part 2 - Civil Liability; Chapter 4 (Civil Liability: The Law of Torts and Negligence) and Chapter 5 (Applications of Negligence to Business).

3. Refer to the "Tutorial Questions" at the end of the chapters and choose one (1) problem case question. Note: it must be a case problem-type question and not a short answer question.

4. You must send your lecturer the number of your question and the page on which it appears for approval. Does not start work on a question without obtaining your lecturer's prior approval.

5. In not more than 1,000 words, answer your chosen legal case question using the IRAC method.

6. Your answer must be supported by relevant law and cases decided by Australian courts (preferably the High Court) and/or scholarly articles. A minimum of 3 references are required for this part of the report.

7. Your references must be listed in a Reference list at the end of the Part B question.

Assignment structure is to be written as a report format. It must include;

  • Cover page
  • Executive summary
  • Table of contents
  • Section headings
  • Paragraphing
  • Page numbers
  • Reference list at the end of the report

2. Group Presentation -

Present and discuss the summary of your report (part A and B) in 10 minutes.

The Presentation will be done in class or video recording. Your lecturer will advise which is more appropriate. Whether in-class or video presentation, all members must present. The group will be marked down if not all members present.

Video link must be uploaded to a publicly-viewable video sharing platform (ex. Youtube, Dropbox, Google drive) and the video link uploaded on Blackboard.

A video presentation consists of both images and audio. For this reason, a plain Power Point presentation showing slides even with accompanying voice recording is not considered a video and, hence, not allowed.

Reference no: EM132361730

Questions Cloud

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Discuss the Law of Torts and Negligence : HOLMES INSTITUTE - HA2022 Business Law Assignment - Written Report and Presentation. Discuss the Law of Torts and Negligence
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8/27/2019 2:25:32 AM

Word limit - Not more than 2000 words. Submission Guidelines - All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page. The assignment must be in MS Word format, no spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings and page numbers. Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using Harvard referencing style.


8/27/2019 2:25:23 AM

Submission: All group report submissions must be done online and run through SafeAssign. No hard copies are to be submitted. Only one group member needs to submit for the whole group. Please fill in the “Rubric Group Report” sheet (available in Blackboard under “Assignments and Due dates) and attach as a cover sheet to your group report and upload on Blackboard. Each group must email a ‘’Peer Evaluation of Individual Participation in Group Assignment” sheet to their lecturer (available in Blackboard under “Assignments and Due dates). Non-submission of either the group report or video presentation link (if a group is doing a video) on Blackboard/SafeAssign (if doing a video presentation) is equivalent to non-submission, which will merit a mark of 0 (zero) for the group assignment.


8/27/2019 2:25:16 AM

This is a group assignment and is meant to be worked on in groups. Groups of less than 3 and more 5 members will receive a penalty of 10 marks (50%). Reports must be submitted via SafeAssign on Blackboard and show a similarity percentage figure. Any group report that does not show a SafeAssign similarity percentage will not be marked and be required to re-submit. Late submissions will be subject to Holmes Institute policy on student assessment submission and late penalties (please refer to subject outline and Student handbook). Assignments are expected to observe proper referencing in accordance with a generally accepted system of citation (ex, Harvard System). A properly referenced assignment showing in-text citation is critical to passing and obtaining a good mark in the group assignment.


8/27/2019 2:25:08 AM

Marking Rubric – Written report - Accurately and succinctly identified all of the issues and sub-issues confronting the parties so as to resolve the problem. (3 marks) Identification of all of the relevant law (or ethical theory and concepts) to resolve the legal problem (ethical problem) (4 marks) Excellence in application of the law (ethical theory) to the question. Arguments are excellent in terms of logical development, clarity and persuasiveness. (7 marks) Accurate, clear and concise links are established between the issue, law, application and the conclusion. (2 marks) Report is exceptionally structured with clarity, use of paragraphs and subheadings. (2 marks) Clear systematic referencing using Harvard style for all sources. At least 6 relevant references were used from good sources. All in- text referencing done correctly and relevant. (2 marks)


8/27/2019 2:24:57 AM

Marking Rubric - Presentation - Excellent discussion from all speakers. Discussion was relevant and insightful at all times. (3 marks) Excellent use of visual aids. Presentation structured well to ensure that all topics were covered equally. (3 marks) Outstanding impression left on audience. Each speaker had a thorough knowledge of the areas discussed and contributed equally. Exceptionally professional delivery and audience engagement. Adherence to the time constraints of 10 minutes (4 marks)

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