Discuss the key swot of singapore international airlines

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM131916872

Question: Based on the information provided in the case study attached, you are required to prepare a 2,000 report that discusses the key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of Singapore International Airlines (SIA). You are further required to include in your report a discussion of what you believe to be the core competencies of the company as well as the relevance of the company's vision and mission statement. Lastly, you are to provide your opinion on the strategy undertaken by SIA in the case study by justifying the merits and demierits of SIA's strategic response. You may structure your report as follows:

• Cover-page

• Content page

• Introduction

• Vision

• Mission

• Core Competencies

• Strengths

• Weaknesses

• Opportunities

• Threats

• Appropriateness of SIA's Strategic Response

• Conclusion

Further details of the assignment will be presented in class by your lecturer.

Check List for Essay

1. Essay will be approximately 2000 words in length. Essay must be type-written, using standard-sized paper, 12 point Times New Roman font or 11 point Arial font, 1.5 spacing, with 1 inch border on all sides, with numbered pages (footers).

Information related to above question is enclosed below:

2 Essay must have a cover page (Assignment Cover Sheet - Lecturer's Comments Form).

3. Essay must have a minimum of 5 references.

4. Essay must have a finalised bibliography/references on a separate page (with all sources used from steps 1-5) in proper APA format/sources listed in alpha order by author's last name.

5. Essay Step 5 (final copy) will not be accepted without the process steps 1 - 4.

6. In the case where Essay Step 5 will be submitted online (one file with title page. name and class, module and essay, bibliography, rubric)

Attachment:- Casestudy.rar

Reference no: EM131916872

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Discuss the key swot of singapore international airlines : Based on the information provided in the case study attached, you are required to prepare a 2,000 report that discusses the key strengths, weaknesses.
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