Discuss the key problems facing an organization

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131574821

Discussion 1 : "Measuring Financial Performance" Please respond to the following:

• Take a position on which of the accounting reports (e.g., balance sheet, statement of cash flows, operating breakeven analysis, etc.) is most important to anyone interested in giving an entrepreneur funding. Support your position.

• Discuss at what point an entrepreneur should consider calling it quits if the business only breaks even. Consider the factors involved in the decision to support your discussion.

Discussion 2 : "Evaluating Financial Performance" Please respond to the following:

• Indicate the ratio(s) that is (are) best for evaluating the risk an entrepreneur is engaged in and indicate how each will direct decisions made in the business. Support your response.

• Analyze how you can use trend analysis for your business venture from Assignment 1.
This is from last week assignment.

Discussion 3: "Developing Successful Stage I and Stage II Organizations." Please respond to the following:

• Describe the key problems and challenges involved in building a successful new venture in Stage I.

• Discuss the challenges of developing a successful Stage II organization during expansion. Why do you think that many successful Stage I firms struggle in Stage II during expansion?

Discussion 4: "Developing a Successful Stage III Organization." Please respond to the following:

• Discuss the key problems facing an organization as it changes from an entrepreneurship to a professionally managed company in Stage III.

• Describe the management systems required to transition an entrepreneurially oriented organization in Stage II to a professionally oriented organization in Stage III.

Which management system do you think is most important for facilitating this transition and why?

Reference no: EM131574821

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