Reference no: EM131768187
Assignment: Individual Research Report & Individual Presentation
This is in lieu of your final exam as all the elements learned in the class should be incorporated into this individual research report and presentation. You will be assigned outside readings from the resources listed below. You will synthesis and summarize the important aspects of the reading and present these to the class in a five minute presentation along with a three to five pages, double-spaced paper.
The research report will be typed written, double-spaced in APA format style including a cover page and a references page. See APA format for assignment.The research report paper and the PPT must be provided to the professor prior to presentation. No late work will be accepted unless you have made prior arrangements with the professor.
Student is to research from any of the following resources:
1. Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), Inc.
2. TEXAS SHRM, Texas State Council
3. San Antonio Human Resource Management Association
4. HR Magazine
5. Journal of Human Resources Management
6. SA Journal of Human Resource Management
7. International Journal of Human Resource Management
8. Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management
9. Workforce solutions review: the official journal of the International Association for Human Resource Information Management
Human resource management and performance: still searching for some answers. Over the past 20 years, there has been a considerable expansion in theory and research about human resource management and performance. This paper reviews progress by identifying a series of phases in the development of relevant theory and research. It then sets out a number of challenges for the future on issues of theory, management processes and research methodology. The main conclusion from the review is that after over two decades of extensive research, we are still unable to answer core questions about the relationship between human resource management and performance. This is largely attributed to the limited amount of research that is longitudinal and has been able to address the linkages between HRM and performance and to study the management of HR implementation. Contact: David EGuest, King's College, London Human Resource Management Journal, Vol 21, no 1, 2011, pages 3-13.