Reference no: EM132198702
Dennis Lynn Rader, The "BTK" Strangler
Review the case of Dennis Lynn Rader, The "BTK" Stranger, on pages 274-275 of Eric W. Hickey's "Serial Murderers and their Victims" and write a essay discussing the case study.
Your essay should have an introduction summarizing the criminal and case, a body that discusses the issues surrounding the case (how were they able to avoid being caught for so long - personality of the offender, lack of evidence available, lack of technology, etc.), and what led to their arrest and prosecution, and a conclusion that discusses the outcome of their prosecution along with what changes could have been made along the way which might have led to an earlier arrest.
Use EBSCO Host or Google Scholar to find the case legislature or court documentation that discusses the prosecution outcome. Be sure to include this reference on your reference page.
Please follow APA guidelines; provide a title and reference page, use Times New Roman 12 point font, and double-space your lines. The reference for the book is:
Hickey, E. W. (2016). Serial murderers and their victims, (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
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