Discuss the input and final decision of each dragon

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132314574 , Length: 5 pages

Individual Assignment

The Objective:

• To learn analytical skills to assist in business decision making.

• Watch the episode. Consider what you have studied in first semester, what you are studying this semester and answer the following questions. Additional may be required to add value to your answers.

1. Based on the information in the episode you've been asked to watch, briefly describe the Product &/or Service being sold?

2. Summarize their business idea. Where are they now and where do they see themselves going?

3. Consider Market Segmentation (IBS 805) ... briefly discuss who would buy their product?

4. Do they have competitors? If they do, why is their product better?What are some of Urban Cultivator's USP's (additional research will be required)

5. List and discuss 3 possible risks this company might encounter.

6. What was the "ask" that they were proposing to the Dragons?

7. Discuss the input and final decision of each Dragon. What was the final outcome....investment and/or ROI and/or investment and/or a percentage of the company?

8. Based on the pitch, do you feel this company was prepared for their proposed growth and expansion?

9. Were you able to see future opportunity/opportunities or did you feel this was a "non-starter"? If you were a Dragon, would you have made an offer? Explain your answer.

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Reference no: EM132314574

Questions Cloud

What is the two of generic business level strategies : What is the two of generic business level strategies and how they can apply in the hospitality industry?
Service contracts sold on treadmills versus exercise bikes : Construct a 95 percent confidence interval for the difference between the proportions of service contracts sold on treadmills versus exercise bikes.
Discuss project greatest challenges : Identify and discuss your project's greatest challenges (at least three) and provide a recommendation for addressing each of the challenges.
Deals with computer maintenance and software development : The study was conducted in organization that deals with computer maintenance and software development. Describe the person-organization "fit" you have observed.
Discuss the input and final decision of each dragon : Based on the information in the episode you've been asked to watch, briefly describe the Product &/or Service being sold - Summarize their business idea
Fictional character for a movie : You will create a fictional character for a movie. The character should be in a management position.
Develop an organizational chart listing all the key leaders : Why Do You Do What You Do? I need help just to start this paper I will write it myself but I do not know how to start it. I have been in the military for 19
Manager monitor team and individual performance : How can a hospitality manager monitor team and individual performance against agreed goals and objectives? Please provide at least 2 methods.
Provide management with information regarding staffing needs : When would be the appropriate time to provide management with information regarding staffing needs?



5/31/2019 1:30:32 AM

this is solely based on your own analysis, critical thinking, synthesis of understanding and application of knowledge - 15% Watch the Urban Cultivator pitch made on Dragon''s Den Canada plus the follow up and answer the questions (different than assignment 1) on the attached assignment. You are expected to so some additional research for this assignment.


5/31/2019 1:01:11 AM

Rubrics - Written Assignment Rubrics: individual grade Evaluation of understanding: • Analysis, Synthesis and Critical Thinking and Application of content studied /20 18-20 - exceptional 15-17 -good 12-14 –satisfactory 1-11 -below expectation Format: Overall look of document to include: Spelling, grammar punctuation, correct use of MLA style citations, etc. Note:Anything submitted with 5 or more spelling mistakes on the first page will be returned and considered late upon resubmission. /10 9-10 exceptional 7-8 good 5-6 satisfactory 1-4 below expectation Total /30 Value – 15% of your grade


5/31/2019 1:01:04 AM

Format: • 1 - Cover page, 1- works cited page(at minimum) plus (4-5) word-processed pages of factual contentusing a 12 point font, double spacing, 1”margins and numbered pages. • Please include each question. Bullet points are acceptable as long as each point is a complete thought. • If format instructions are not followed, your paper will be returned to you for correction and considered late until resubmitted. • Do not exceed the suggested pages of commentary. Anything past (5) pages will not be considered as part of your grade. • MLA citations (in-text and works cited page) must be used where applicable. • Spelling and Grammar will be assessed and graded. • This assignment is based on your ability to analyze and think critically Wikipedia,Scribd, UK Essays are not considered as suitable resources for this assignment. • It’s not necessary to put this in a folder… just staple the corner. • Late assignments will be penalized 10% per day up to 5 working days. Any assignment handed in after the fifth working day will receive a mark of zero.

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