Discuss the importance of using the triple bottom line

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132260055

1. A gourmet coffee shop in downtown San Francisco is open 200 days a year and sells an average of 73 pounds of Kona coffee beans a day.? (Demand can be assumed to be distributed normally with a standard deviation of 16 pounds per? day). After ordering? (fixed cost? = ?$13 per? order), beans are always delivered from Hawaii in exactly 4 days.? Per-pound annual holding costs for the beans are ?$2. Refer to the standard normal table for? z-values. ?a) What is the economic order quantity? (EOQ) for Kona coffee? beans? pounds ?(round your response to the nearest whole? number).?

2. Discuss the importance of using the Triple Bottom Line to ensure socially responsible treatment of today’s global stakeholders. Next, discuss two (2) challenges you believe domestic companies will face from global competition.

Reference no: EM132260055

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