Discuss the importance of the consumers role in the ecoonmy

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM13184812

1. Financial markets make it possible for those who have saved money to earn a reward by providing the financing for business formation and expansion. Business owners can seek financing through the stock market, the bond market, or the banking sector, or by working directly with potential investors. Do investors play an important role in the economy? Explain your answer

2. What determines the success of an individual investor? Do you agree that "it takes money to make money?

1.Discuss the importance of the consumer's role in the ecoonmy

2.How do you distinguish between good decisions and bad decisions made by consumers?

Reference no: EM13184812

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Discuss the importance of the consumers role in the ecoonmy : Financial markets make it possible for those who have saved money to earn a reward by providing the financing for business formation and expansion. Business owners can seek financing through the stock market, the bond market, or the banking sector..
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What is the estimated effect of str on testscr : What is the probability that all the population slope coefficients are actually zero, but the coefficients we estimated are different from zero due merely to random sampling variability In other words, what is the probability that the R2 is actual..
Find a data file ca school districts : First, read Fuguitt and Wilcox, pages 181-183. Then, from the Stock and Watson text Web site. find a data file CA school districts that contains data on school districts for 420 districts in California. A detailed description is given in CAschool..


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