Reference no: EM132335958
Assignment: Write a short analytical report (3 - 4 pages) on the managerial decision making process and type of decision making by the managers and specifically address the following points:
• Discuss the importance of the command process and the traditional process in the making of management decisions. Illustrate specific ways in which managers must take these two processes into account.
• Explain some of the forces that cause managers to act in the interest of shareholders.
You must perform research to complete this assignment. The paper should include 1 quote, 1 or more peer-reviewed sources, 1 website source, and 1 textbook source. Additionally, all citations must have matching references. The paper must be properly formatted using AP style. If you need help with APA formatting, please contact the writing center.
Below is a recommended outline.
1. Cover page (See APA Sample paper)
2. Introduction
a. Purpose of paper
b. Thesis sentence
3. Body (Cite sources using in-text citations.)
a. Main point 1
i. Example or evidence
ii. Evidence (support from the literature)
iii. Student's original thoughts and ideas about the section's content and a concluding thought
b. Main point 2
i. Example or evidence
ii. Evidence (support from the literature)
iii. Student's original thoughts and ideas about the section's content and a concluding thought
c. Main point 3
i. Example or evidence
ii. Evidence (support from the literature)
iii. Student's original thoughts and ideas about the section's content and a concluding thought
4. Conclusion - Summary of main points
a. Lessons Learned and Recommendations as needed
5. References - List the references you cited in the text of your paper according to APA format.
(Note: Do not include references that are not cited in the text of your paper)