Discuss the importance of organisational knowledge

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Reference no: EM133676874 , Length: 3000 Words

Innovation Management - Level 6

Assignment: Evaluative approach to innovation issues

Case Study - Aravind EYE hospitals - Process innovation in healthcare

Assignment task: This assignment involves producing a report that offers insight to innovation through inspiring leadership and evaluative approach to innovation issues.

Learning outcome 1: Apply an evaluative approach to a range of business data, sources of information and appropriate methodologies in identifying drivers of innovation within a business and its environments

Learning outcome 2: Analyse and illustrate how organisations and their leaders can successfully plan and prepare for innovation;

Learning outcome 3: Critically discuss the importance of organisational knowledge, knowledge transfer and cross functional co-operation in order to analyse and assess innovation capability and blockages;

Learning outcome 4: Actively engage in the identification of a new product/service for a chosen organisation and identify the key activities required for its successful development;

Learning outcome 5: Conduct an innovation/organisational development audit appropriate for the introduction of the new product/service.

Task requirements


Prepare a written report that provides an insight into innovation through inspiring leadership and evaluative approach to innovation issues and appropriate methodologies within organisation and its environments and discussion on stimulate learning beyond product development.


The task is one-piece work that takes the form of a written report and is based on inspiring leadership and evaluative approach to innovation issues and appropriate methodologies.

The report will require you to respond, in detail, to all aspects of the assignment.


Written assignment TASK: 3000-word report, 100% weighting.
Using the case study (Aravind Eye Care Hospital - Process innovation in healthcare) on Moodle, provide:
Critically analyse the advantages developing countries have in innovation, particularly in process and services.
Critically evaluate the kind of leaderships requiring inspirational leadership for effective innovation.
Analyse why has an equivalent of Aravind not yet arisen in the West.
Provide detail analysis, on how would it be different, if you are to attempt to find an equivalent of Aravind in your own country.
What should companies do to stimulate learning that is not specific to new product development projects only?

Referencing and research requirements
Please reference your work according to the Harvard style;

How your work will be assessed
Your work will be assessed on the extent to which it demonstrates your achievement of the stated learning outcomes for this assignment (see above) and against other key criteria, as defined in the University's institutional grading descriptors. If it is appropriate to the format of your assignment and your subject area, a proportion of your marks will also depend upon your use of academic referencing conventions.

Table of Contents


Overview of Aravind Eye Care hospital
Critical analysis of advantages developing countries have in innovation, particularly in process and services
Critically evaluate the kind of leaderships an inspirational leadership requires for effective innovation
Analyse why has equivalent of Aravind not yet arisen in West
Detail analysis of how different to find equivalent of Aravind in own country
What companies need in stimulating learning that is not specific to new product development projects only

Appendix (optional)

1.0 Introduction (This is about telling the reader what the assignment entails in one paragraph.

1.2 Overview of Aravind Eye Care hospital
Critical analyse what advantages do developing countries have in innovation, particularly in process and services
Critically evaluate the kind of leaderships an inspirational leadership requires for effective innovation
Analyse why has equivalent of Aravind not yet arisen in West
Detail analysis of how different to find equivalent of Aravind in own country
What companies need in stimulating learning that is not specific to new product development projects only?

Reference no: EM133676874

Questions Cloud

Struggling with turnaround time filling prescription : A small pharmacy is struggling with the turnaround time filling prescription. A prescription is sent from a physician to the pharmacy electronically.
What was your biggest takeaway from podcast : What was your biggest takeaway from podcast? What is open-source intelligence? Is open-source intelligence enough to keep a network secure?
Women increasing participation in public sphere : Croker's article is a valuable primary source both because it relays the depth of conservative attacks on women's increasing participation in the public sphere
What has been your personal experience with data overload : What has been your personal experience with data overload? How do you manage it? How are you helping your family with information overload?
Discuss the importance of organisational knowledge : Critically discuss the importance of organisational knowledge, knowledge transfer and cross functional co-operation in order to analyse and assess innovation
Physical education developed : Summarize this " Thus, physical education developed within the context of great historical change and was designed to meet numerous social needs.
What are some of the technologies we can use to distill down : What are some of the technologies we can use to distill down the information to what we need and has value for our work in the public sector?
Breakdown of social hierarchies : During the Warring state period society was changing including the breakdown of social hierarchies.
Describe the pieces of the project management plan : Write 175 to 350 words response in which you describe one or more of the following pieces of the project management plan.



4/16/2024 12:18:07 AM

I would like to request a new Assignment for a "Innovation Management" that should be 3000 words. I will attach the scheme of work and assignment brief and Case study that i should speak about.

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