Discuss the importance of maintaining a steady blood glucose

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Reference no: EM131403142

Three types of knowledge

  • Affective - values, attitudes, emotions, understanding importance
  • Cognitive - facts, "book learning"
  • Psychomotor - actions - involves utilizing hand-eye coordination

FOR Example ON Learning Domain: Teaching a New Diabetic

Affective:  understanding the importance of maintaining a steady blood glucose.  Affective learning is often the hardest to measure or evaluate!

Cognitive: listing the symptoms of low blood glucose; selecting glycemic-appropriate food items.

Psychomotor: drawing up insulin from a vial; operating the glucometer

Setting the Goal(s)/Outcome(s) (we use these words interchangeably)

  • What is the expected outcome of the planned learning experience?
  • Expressed as an outcome seen or measured in the learner - not the nurse.
  • Can be short- and/or long-term

Attributes of a Goal/Outcome

Focuses on single behavior, Prescribed time limit, Mutually agreeable and Attainable

SMART Attributes of a Goal/Outcome

Specific (who & what)

- Action verb reflects domain; use only one

  • Cognitive: "list," "name," "identify"
  • Affective: "state the importance of . . ."
  • Psychomotor: "demonstrate"

- Avoid vague verbs such as: know, be familiar with, understand, have knowledge of, etc.

Measurable (how much change is expected)


  • Attainable within the given time frame and with the available resources


  • Address the scope of the problem


  • When the objective will be measured or a time by which the objective will be met.

Reference no: EM131403142

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Discuss the importance of maintaining a steady blood glucose : Affective:  understanding the importance of maintaining a steady blood glucose.  Affective learning is often the hardest to measure or evaluate
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