Reference no: EM131650770
Hello, I'm tired of thieves. I have online classes which is "Object-Oriented Programming and Business Database Management Systems" I'm looking for someone who can handle these classes and give me at least A or B+ in the classes. I'm looking for someone who can handle this class for real not fake also, Don't ask me for down payment at all until you show me your work. I'm really tired of thieves. I have bad experience with 7 people 2 of them from Pakistan who's fake Muslim. 2 of them from Kenya I send them the money which is $390 and never see them at all. I have many homework past due. Again, Don't ask me for down payment at all until you show me your work. If you agree on my terms and you can handle this class please contact me : +1 5102607430
Note: I'm not looking for someone who's copy the answers for these classes from the internet.
Business Database Management Systems
II. Class
Course Description: Addresses the concepts and principles underlying the design and application of relational database management systems. The course provides an in-depthstudy of the key concepts of relational database systems. Projects, which typically are implemented using current commercial database management systems software, are used toreinforce most of the concepts.
Course Objectives:
1. Discuss the importance of data, databases, and database management
2. Perform database design for relational databases including data requirements, constraints,and business rules
3. Complete data modeling using entity-relationship diagrams
4. Understand normalization concepts and data structures
5. Complete physical database design
6. Perform database query processing using SQL
7. Understand multi-user and administration issues including security, backup and recovery, concurrency, data warehouses, client/server and distributed databases, andinternet database applications.
Required Course Materials
Modern Database Management, 12th Edition by Hoffer, Venkataraman, and Topi. Pearson, ISBN: 978-0-13-354461-9 (required book)
Supplemental o SQL tutorials
The assignments will require MS SQL and other Office software (e.g., MS
We use Microsoft SQL Server 2014. Our choice of the DBMS has nothing to do with the superiority of the product. Therefore, by all means, if you are already familiar with other DBMS, you are free to use other DBMS for your projects (i.e., MySQL, PostgreSQL, mSQL, DB2, Oracle, etc). o Some assignments and the Project will require access to a computer with MicrosoftVisio .
Object-Oriented Programming
Course Materials:
Required: Murach's C# 2015 by Anne Boehm and Joel Murach
ISBN: 978-1-890774-94-3 Required: Microsoft Visual Studio (2017 Professional or 2017 Community) - Available to students enrolled in this class via the Microsoft DreamSpark Premium website at no charge. The community edition of Visual Studio 2017 can be downloaded without an MSDN subscription and has everything that you will need to complete the required coursework. You can find a link to download this on Blackboard, under resources.
Course Description:
Beginning object-oriented programming course. Focuses on solving business problems using object-oriented programming solutions.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to:
1. Understand fundamental programming concepts
2. Learn how to translate business requirements into working applications
3. Make use of common controls in WinForms application development.
Attachment:- SQL-Tutorials.rar