Reference no: EM133670499
Communicate with influence
Assessment Task 1
Question 1
Complete the table by identifying the following:
Name of your workplace/organisation
The industry to which your workplace/organisation belongs
Conduct research online or through other sources to identify the following information:
At least two media organisations that can help promote your workplace/organisation
At least two government organisations relevant to your workplace/organisation
At least two specific industry events that your workplace/organisation can participate in
Briefly explain how each of the identified information above is relevant to your workplace/organisation.
Identify at least two communication channels that your workplace/organisation can use to communicate with your external stakeholders.
Briefly explain how your workplace/organisation can use each communication channel to communicate with its external stakeholders.
If you're not currently in a workplace/organisation, refer to Bounce Fitness as your organisation. Access the link
Question 2
In 50 words or more, discuss the importance of cross-cultural communication in the workplace.
Question 3
Complete the table below:
Identify at least three techniques for each of the workplace communication processes below.
Techniques refer to ways on how you can demonstrate each of the communication processes provided below.
Briefly explain how each technique can be demonstrated in the workplace.
Question 4
Outline the steps for conducting structured meetings in the workplace.
If you're currently in a workplace, you can refer to the procedures from your organisation. Question 5
Outline the steps for conducting inclusive meetings in the workplace.
If you're currently in a workplace, you can refer to the procedures from your organisation.
Question 6
Below are scenarios about workplace interactions involving meetings and presentations. Read each scenario and answer each question that follow about communication tone.
Scenario 1
The Marketing Manager of Bounce Fitness calls for a meeting with their team members to discuss new ideas for the promotion of the organisation's training services. In the meeting, the manager must:
Get at least one or two ideas from each team member
Acknowledge and compliment the ideas
Expound on interesting ideas
Ask the team members to ask questions if the ideas are not clear to them
i. What tone can the Marketing Manager use when discussing with the team members?
Scenario 2
After meeting with the team members, the Marketing Manager set up a meeting with the CEO to present the new marketing ideas. In the meeting, the manager must:
Introduce the ideas and their purpose, objectives, main points, and advantages
Avoid making statements irrelevant to the ideas being proposed
ii. What tone can the Marketing Manager use when presenting to the CEO?
Question 7
Identify the four communication styles. For each communication style, provide at least one example of a situation when each is demonstrated in the workplace.
Question 8
Below are scenarios involving workplace interactions. Read each scenario and answer each question that follow about communication structure.
a. Scenario 1
Jack is part of the team of Fitness Instructors under Bounce Fitness. Every week, the fitness instructors gather in the meeting room to talk about concerns their customers may have raised during the week. They all contribute solutions to solve the concerns of the customers. Aside from that, they also discuss about possible improvements they can implement for future tasks.
i. What is the communication structure present in the situation?
b. Scenario 2
Stephanie is the General Manager of Bounce Fitness. She receives an instruction to inform the employees
about the new rule regarding office hours from the Vice President. She relays this information to each of the Department Heads. The heads will then relay the information to their respective team leaders, who will then disseminate the information to their members.
ii. What is the communication structure present in the situation?
Question 9
Access and review the following policies and procedures of Bounce Fitness relevant to confidentiality of information:
Management of Electronic Information Protection Policies and Procedures
Privacy and Confidentiality Policy
Answer each question below for each of the policies and procedures reviewed using your own words.
a. Identify the three electronic information covered under this policy.
b. Briefly discuss how Bounce Fitness ensures the protection of its electronic information.
c. Outline the steps to follow if a breach of security in electronic information occurred.
Privacy and Confidentiality Policy
a. Identify at least three methods of collecting personal information based on this policy.
b. Identify the three instances when the personal information from Bounce Fitness can be disclosed.
c. Outline the steps followed by Bounce Fitness in the event of loss of personal information.
Question 10
Access and review the following policies and procedures of Bounce Fitness relevant to conducting meetings:
Policy and Procedures for Meetings
Style Guide
Answer each question below for each of the policies and procedures reviewed using your own words.
a. Outline the four purposes of conducting staff meetings
b. Identify the two people who the Department Supervisor can appoint to chair a department or team meeting.
c. Outline the steps that you need to take if you are assigned as minute-taker for a meeting.
d. Identifty the person assigned to head negotiations during meetings.
e. Outline steps required when negotiating during a meeting
f. Identify when a presenter must be informed that they will be presenting.
g. Outline steps presenter needs to take to conduct a presentation during the meeting.
a. Outline the reason Bounce Fitness provides pre-designed and formatted PowerPoint presentations
b. Identifty the three situations when a PowerPoint presentation should be used as visual aid
c. Outline steps to take when creating a presentation using Bounce Fitness' PowerPoint template.
Assessment Task 2
Part I. Identify Communication Requirements
Task Overview
This part of the project requires you to prepare the requirements of the information you will communicate in your organisation. Specifically, you are required to:
Confirm authority to present information on behalf of an organisation or work area in accordance with organisational policies and procedures
Identify information to communicate to relevant stakeholders, including confidential information
Identify the objectives of the communication
Prepare and plan for delivery of communication
Develop a position in line with the information to be communicated
Resources Required:
To complete this project, you will need access to the following:
A workplace that will allow you access to:
Workplace documentation, including:
Policies and procedures related to communicating workplace information:
Presenting information in the workplace
Managing confidential information in the workplace
Supervisor or relevant personnel who will be authorising you to represent information on behalf of the organisation or work area
Information that will need to be communicated in the workplace
This must include confidential information that you will manage.
Information needs of stakeholders in line with the information to be communicated
These are information the stakeholders need to understand first before being able to participate in the meeting fully.
Task 1.1 Prepare and Plan Communication Requirements
Locate the Observation Form provided within this workbook. The Observation Form outlines all the skills you need to demonstrate during this task. Provide your assessor a copy of the Observation Form.
Review the instructions here and the skills outlined in the Observation Form. Arrange a time with your assessor to observe you in conducting the meeting. Discuss all requirements of the task with your assessor and prepare these before the consultation meeting.
Your assessor will complete the Observation Form.
If direct observation from your assessor is not possible, record the meeting in a video. Ensure to obtain permission first from person involved before doing so.
Arrange a meeting with your supervisor/manager to discuss the information to be presented in the organisation or work area.
Discuss the information in the Authority to Represent Business Form, specifically:
The information to be communicated
If the information will be communicated to the whole organisation or a specific work area only
Procedures they will follow to communicate workplace information
Have the person in authority approve your Authority to Represent Business Form. Have them sign the declaration at the end of the template to confirm approval of your representation on behalf of the organisation or work area. Their signature must be handwritten.
Part 1 Case Study Overview
Project New Look
You are the manager of one of the centres of Bounce Fitness. You are working closely with the CEO and Executive Assistant regarding the project to rebrand Bounce Fitness.
The CEO has been in discussion with the Board a plan to rebrand Bounce Fitness, starting with its logo and shirt design. This will be the company's first rebranding in six years. A lot of new fitness centres have arisen in the last few years, so the CEO thinks that Bounce Fitness needs to redesign its look to attract new customers into the business. This aims to contribute to the achievement of the following organisational objectives:
Continue to cultivate Bounce Fitness image as a premier long-term wellness program provider
Increase market penetration
The following is the proposed design for the rebranding:
New Logo New Company Shirt
The target groups for this plan includes the Bounce Fitness staff and customers, particularly the young people and over 50's. The Bounce Fitness staff has an even mixture of male and female employees, with an average age range of 19 to 43. About 20 percent of them speaks English as a second language. Most of them directly work with customers. They will be able to reinforce the new brand and cultivate the Bounce Fitness image as a long-term wellness and health provider to current and prospective customers.
Customers which include the young people and over 50's are the key targets of this proposal as they are likely looking to improve on their health and fitness. They are also the target market for ongoing membership which is highly tied to the business objective.
Complete the steps outlined in Task 1.1 and the additional steps outlined below.
Part A
Refer to Part 1 Case Study Overview to complete this task.
Locate the Authority to Represent Business Form template and the Observation Form provided within this workbook. The Observation Form outlines all the skills you need to demonstrate during this task. Provide your assessor a copy of the Observation Form.
Review the instructions here and the skills outlined in the Observation Form. Arrange a time with your assessor to observe you in conducting the role-play meeting. Discuss all requirements of the task with your assessor and prepare these before the role-play activity.
Your assessor will complete the Observation Form.
If direct observation from your assessor is not possible, record the meeting in a video. Ensure to obtain permission first from persons involved before doing so.
Arrange a meeting with the CEO to discuss the rebranding of Bounce Fitness, specifically the new logo and shirt design as specified in the case study.
You will require access to the following:
At least one volunteer to assume the role of the CEO
Video camera or a mobile phone with video recording capabilities
A safe environment to conduct the role-play activity
There's no specific character brief to follow for this role play meeting. However, you must discuss with your volunteer relevant information regarding this assessment based on the Case Study Overview prior to commencing.
Have the CEO (the volunteer) approve your Authority to Represent Business Form. Have them sign the declaration at the end of the template to confirm approval of your representation on behalf of the organisation or work area. Their signature must be handwritten.
Part B
Locate the Delivery Plan template provided within this workbook. Prepare the plan:
Identify the name of the organisation or work area where information will be communicated
Refer to the Authority to Represent Business Form.
Identify at least one purpose of the communication you will deliver to the organisation or work area.
Identify at least two objectives of the communication to be delivered
Objectives are goals and situations the organisation wants to achieve from the meeting.
Identify at least two desired outcomes from the communication
Desired outcomes are the results the organisation expects after the meeting.
Identify at least one position in line with the purpose of communication
Your position must refer to the organisation's take or opinion on the information.
Identify the following to complete the context of communication:
The information to be communicated
At least one confidential information involved
At least one reason for confidentiality of information
Access and review the following documents relating to maintaining confidential information:
Privacy Act, including the Australian Privacy Principles
Ethical documents of the organisation relating to maintaining confidential information
Policies and Procedures of the organisation relating to maintaining confidential information
After reviewing the documents:
Identify the organisation's policy on managing confidential information and outline its procedures
Identify the legal document on maintaining confidentiality within the organisation
Identify at least two legal responsibilities on maintaining confidentiality
Part II. Present Negotiation to Achieve Outcomes
Task Overview
This part of the project will require you to present and negotiate with the target stakeholder groups with identified information to be communicated within the organisation or work area. Specifically, you will be required to:
Identify the desires, needs, and requirements of stakeholders
Identify potential issues and problems that can arise from the negotiation
Prepare positions and supporting arguments based on the objectives of the communication
Identify and select forums to present identified information
Identify tone, structure, and style to be used when communicating and presenting to target stakeholder groups
Undertake presentation to the target stakeholder groups
Negotiate with stakeholders to achieve agreed outcome
Follow up with stakeholders following presentation
Evaluate presentation and identify areas of improvement
Resources Required:
To complete this project, you will need access to the following:
A workplace that will allow you access to:
People, including:
At least two people from each of the two target stakeholder groups as identified in Part 1.
Presentation materials that will contain information you will present to the stakeholders (e.g. PowerPoint presentation, paper handouts)
Computer with internet access to send emails and to make presentation materials
Task 2.1 Prepare Presentation for the Information to be Negotiated to the Target Stakeholder Groups
Access the partially completed Delivery Plan from Task 1.1. For this part of the assessment, you will need to identify the requirements for your target stakeholder groups to present the information to them.
Determine the communication method on how you can access each member of your target stakeholder groups. Arrange a meeting with them, or write them an email to identify the following information:
You must communicate with at least two individuals from each of the two target stakeholder groups identified.
At least two requirements of the stakeholders regarding the meeting
Requirements are needs or conditions the stakeholders have to proceed with the meeting.
At least two outcomes desired by the stakeholders regarding the information to be discussed
You will need to submit supplementary evidence of communication with target stakeholders to gather the information above. Evidence can include but is not limited to:
Meeting minutes with the above requirements as discussion points, with handwritten signatures of each stakeholder
PDF copy of email correspondence with responses from each of the stakeholders
Collate and document the information gathered from each relevant stakeholder in the partially completed Delivery Plan. Complete the following sections of the template:
At least two requirements of the stakeholders regarding the meeting
At least two outcomes desired by the stakeholders regarding the information to be discussed
You must have at least one presentation material for the meeting. It must contain the following information:
Purpose of communication
Objectives of the communication
Information to be communicated to the organisation or specific work area as identified in Task 1.1
Confidential information
Issues and problems regarding the identified information
Positions of the business on the identified information and their respective supporting arguments. These must be based on the objectives of communication.
The presentation material must be planned and designed appropriately for the target stakeholder groups. It must be in accordance with the presentation styles and forum identified in Step 4.
After you have prepared the presentation material, submit it to your assessor for review. Your assessor will review your submission against the Presentation Checklist items.
Submit the following to your assessor:
Supplementary evidence of communication with target stakeholders to gather the information on stakeholder requirements
Evidence can include but is not limited to:
Meeting minutes with the above requirements as discussion points, with handwritten signatures of each stakeholder
PDF copy of email correspondence with responses from each of the stakeholders
Completed Delivery Plan
At least one presentation material
Presentation material can be any of the following:
PowerPoint Presentation
Part 2 Case Study Overview
Preparing the Presentation
After gaining approval from the CEO to share the plan to the selected stakeholders of the organisation, it is time to prepare the presentation of Bounce Fitness rebranding.
The types of stakeholders included in the presentation and their respective needs must be considered in the overall planning and actual presentation.
You must communicate with each target stakeholder and ask for possible requirements they have in order to proceed with the meeting and desired outcomes from the meeting. This will assist you to design your presentation for the target stakeholder groups appropriately.
For this task, you will require access to:
At least four volunteers to undertake the role of the individuals from the two target stakeholder groups. Each group must consist of at least two volunteers.
Computer with internet access to send email to target stakeholders to obtain information
Send an email to the stakeholders to enquire about information on the following:
At least two requirements of the stakeholders regarding the meeting
Requirements are needs or conditions the stakeholders have in order to proceed with the meeting.
At least two outcomes desired by the stakeholders regarding the rebranding of Bounce Fitness
Document the information gathered from each relevant stakeholder in the partially completed Delivery Plan. Complete the following sections of the template:
At least two requirements of the stakeholders regarding the meeting
At least two outcomes desired by the stakeholders regarding the rebranding of Bounce Fitness
Complete the remaining sections of the Delivery Plan by providing the following information:
Potential issues and problems
At least two issues the stakeholders may have regarding the rebranding of Bounce Fitness
At least two problems the stakeholders may have regarding rebranding of Bounce Fitness
Issues are concerns that are up for debate and usually have an existing solution. Problems, on the other hand, are difficulties that must be discussed to come up with a solution.
Task 2.2 Deliver Presentation
Locate the Meeting Minutes and Observation Form provided within this workbook. The Observation Form outlines all the skills you need to demonstrate during this task. Provide your assessor a copy of the Observation Form.
Review the instructions here and the skills outlined in the Observation Form. Arrange a time with your assessor to observe you in conducting the meeting with the stakeholders. Discuss all requirements of the task with your assessor and prepare these before the consultation meeting.
Your assessor will complete the Observation Form.
If direct observation from your assessor is not possible, record the meeting in a video. Ensure to obtain permission first from persons involved before doing so.
Arrange a meeting with each of the individuals from your two target stakeholder groups to discuss the identified information to be communicated. The presentation material prepared in Task 2.1 must be used to aid you in discussing the identified information.
During the meeting, you must:
Discuss the information to be communicated as included in the presentation material
Identify at least two areas of common ground regarding information being communicated
Areas of common ground are the points of discussion the stakeholders agree on. These areas do not cause any arguments or issues among them.
Identify at least two areas of potential compromise regarding the decisions on the information being communicated
Potential compromise is the point of discussion the stakeholders initially disagree on but eventually reach an agreement after discussing.
Encourage stakeholders to ask questions regarding the presentation
Summarise the outcomes of the discussion
Case Study Overview
Presenting the Brand
After discussing the rebranding plan proposed by the CEO, it must be communicated with its staff and the representatives of its target market to determine their initial feedback regarding the plan. Bounce Fitness believes that relevant stakeholders must be informed about any major changes that are happening in the organisation.
Conduct the presentation meeting through a role-play activity.
You will require access to the following:
At least four volunteers to undertake the role of the individuals in each of the two target stakeholder groups
At least two volunteers will be the Bounce Fitness staff
At least two volunteers will be the young and old representative from the Target Market
The volunteers from the Target Market do not necessarily have to be young and old. Volunteers must act and think like the age of the customers they are role-playing.
Presentation material prepared in Task 2.1 for the presentation with the target stakeholder groups
Video camera or a mobile phone with video recording capabilities
A safe environment to conduct the role-play activity
Access the character brief from the link below:
Presenting the Brand Character Brief bsbcmm511/
Review the character brief with your volunteers. Discuss this with them, including the requirements of the task so they can understand the role they need to undertake in the role-play activity.
Locate the Meeting Minutes template and the Observation Form provided within this workbook. The Observation Form outline all the skills you need to demonstrate during this task. Provide your assessor a copy of the Observation Form.
Review the instructions here and the skills outlined in the Observation Form. Arrange a time with your assessor to observe you in conducting the role-play meeting. Discuss all requirements of the task with your assessor and prepare these before the role-play activity.
Your assessor will complete the Observation Form.
If direct observation from your assessor is not possible, record the role-play activity in a video. Ensure to obtain permission first from persons involved before doing so.
Conduct the role-play activity with your volunteers.
During the meeting, you must:
Discuss the information to be communicated as included in the presentation material
Identify at least two areas of common ground regarding the rebranding of Bounce Fitness
Areas of common ground are the points of discussion the stakeholders agree on. These areas do not cause any argument among them.
Identify at least two areas of potential compromise regarding the rebranding
Potential compromise is the point of discussion the stakeholders initially disagree on but eventually reach an agreement after discussing.
Encourage stakeholders to ask questions regarding the rebranding
Summarise the outcomes of the discussion
After the discussion, you must follow up with the stakeholders regarding any issues or concerns they have in the discussion. This will be done in the succeeding task.
This is an action item that would require you to follow up on further issues or concerns the stakeholders have but did not get to raise during the discussion.
Document your discussion in the Meeting Minutes template provided within this workbook.
Task 2.3 Follow-Up
Instructions below are for learners taking either the Workplace or Simulated Workplace Assessment.
After the discussion, send an email to each member of your target stakeholder groups involved in the meeting. Follow up on any issues or concerns they have but did not get to raise during the meeting.
This is to ensure all the stakeholders' further concerns are addressed, even after the meeting. Follow-ups can include but not limited to the following:
Further issues and concerns
Further suggestions or recommendations
Further actions they want to happen
You must send a response as to what actions will be taken to address action items that the stakeholders have regarding the discussion.
Task 2.4 Evaluate Presentation
Part III. Participate in and Lead Meetings
Task Overview
This part of the project will require you to prepare for, participate in, and lead meetings at least two occasions in the workplace. Specifically, you will be required to:
Identify opportunities to undertake at least two meetings
Prepare meeting materials for each of the two meetings
Undertake the meetings and summarise outcomes
Distribute outcomes of the meetings to stakeholders
Resources Required:
To complete this project, you will need access to the following:
A workplace that will allow you access to:
Workplace documentation required for each meeting, including but not limited to:
Project Briefs
Meeting Minutes with previous action items
Other documents that the stakeholders involved need to review for each meeting
People, including:
At least two stakeholders who will participate in each of the two meetings
Opportunities to undertake at least two meetings within the workplace.
Computer with Internet access to send meeting invites and materials
Supplementary Resources for Simulated Workplace Assessment:
At least two volunteers to undertake the role of stakeholders for each of the two meetings
Video camera or a mobile phone with video recording capabilities
A safe environment to conduct the role-play activity
Task 3.1 Prepare for the Meetings
Seek your supervisor's assistance to provide you with opportunities to undertake at least two meetings within the workplace. This can be any meeting conducted in the workplace,
e.g. brief about a new project, business consultation, team catchup, etc.
Determine the purpose, and at least one objective of each of the two meetings you will undertake. Determine the target date of each meeting.
Identify at least two relevant stakeholders who will participate in each of the meetings to be undertaken. There must be at least two attendees in each meeting.
Stakeholders can be the relevant staff of your organisation or external business contacts who must be involved in each meeting to be undertaken. Stakeholders will vary depending on the purpose of the meeting you will undertake.
Enquire about the availability of each participating stakeholder to attend each meeting. Specifically, ask about the date and time of their availability and their preferred mode for each meeting. Mode of each meeting can be face-to-face physical meeting or remote meeting, depending on stakeholder availability and purpose of the meeting.
In the enquiry, you must inform the stakeholder about the details of each meeting, specifically:
The purpose of each meeting
The objective of each meeting
The target date of each meeting
You will need to submit evidence of your enquiry of each stakeholder's availability for each of the meetings to be conducted. Evidence will vary and can include but is not limited to the following:
PDF copy of the email correspondence containing the stakeholders' response regarding their available date, time, and preferred mode of the meeting
Communication Log indicating the time and date of call or meeting with each relevant stakeholder, and their response regarding their available date, time, and preferred mode of the meeting
Ensure that each evidence you submit demonstrates that you have confirmed each stakeholder's availability prior to the set date of each meeting.
Part 3 Case Study Overview
Focus on Objectives and Expansion
You are the Administration Manager of the Bounce Fitness Head Office in Cairns. You are tasked by the CEO to prepare and lead two meetings in your centre to discuss the key focus of the organisation for the next quarter. The two key focuses are linked to the organisation's business objectives:
Increasing market penetration by 15% through the utilisation of marketing strategies
Continue to cultivate the image as a premier long-term wellness program provider
Meeting 1
The Board noticed the Sydney and Melbourne centres are falling behind in terms of the number of customer subscriptions. It was proposed that both centres increase their customer base by employing various marketing strategies.
As the Administration Manager for the Cairns centre, you need to inform and guide the managers of the Sydney and Melbourne centres in increasing their customer subscriptions. You must discuss marketing strategies they can employ for their respective centres to achieve the business objective of increasing market penetration by 15% and also to increase their customer base, as stated above.
Meeting 2
After reviewing the 20xx Strategic Plan, the Board is looking at a new business opportunity to penetrate the food industry. The organisation wants to evolve by expanding their focus on offered products and services.
As Administration Manager for the Cairns centre, you thought it would be good to gather innovative ideas from the organisation's Fitness Instructor and Marketing Employee. This is regarding potential business opportunities to achieve one of the business objectives for the incoming quarter, which is to continue to cultivate the image as a premier long-term wellness program provider.
Task 3.2 Undertake the Meetings
Locate the Meeting Minutes and Observation Form provided within this workbook. The Observation Form outlines all the skills you need to demonstrate during this task.
Review the instructions here and the skills you outlined in the Observation Form. Arrange a time with your assessor to observe you in conducting the meeting. Discuss all requirements of the task with your assessor and prepare these before the consultation meeting.
Provide your assessor a copy of the Observation Form. Your assessor will complete the Observation Form.
If direct observation from your assessor is not possible, record each meeting in a video. Ensure to obtain permission first from persons involved before doing so.
Arrange each of the meetings with the stakeholders to discuss each information identified in the previous task. The date and time of each meeting must correspond to the confirmed meeting invite. The prepared meeting materials must be brought to each of the meetings.
Conduct each of the meetings. During each meeting, you must:
Discuss the following information:
The purpose of the meeting
At least one objective of the meeting
At least one issue that needs to be resolved in line with the identified objective of the meeting
Seek consensus on the outcomes of each meeting based on the issue discussed.
At least two agreed outcomes must be included in this discussion.
Summarise the outcomes of the meeting
Summary must contain the solutions and steps you and the stakeholders have decided to undertake for the execution of the business proposal.