Reference no: EM132308932
Security in Networked Systems
Purpose of the assessment
The purpose of this assignment is to develop skills to independently think of innovation. Students will be able to complete the following ULOs:
c. Explain the major methodologies for secure networks and what threats they address;
d. Identify and report network threats, select and implement appropriate countermeasures for network security.
Assignment Description
Royal Consulting Services (RCS) provides security consulting and services to over 300 clients across a wide range of enterprises in Australia. A new initiative at RCS is for its two offices in Sydney and Melbourne to provide internships to students who are pursuing their postgraduate studies in reputed institutes in Sydney and Melbourne in the Networking domain.
To evaluate suitable candidates for this prestigious internship program, RCS has asked applicants to prepare a detailed report and a presentation addressing the following sections:
A. Google Dorking (maximum 600 Words)
Google Dorking, or using advanced Google search techniques to find sensitive information, has been linked to "online dumpster diving." Use Library/Internet resources to research Google dorking. Based on your research address following:
1. How the following advanced Google search engine operators are used:
allintext, allintitle, allinurl, cache, filetype, inanchor, intest, intitle, link, site, +, |, and *
2. Use at least four of the operators to create potential Google dorking searches and provide discussion with snapshots.
3. Identify and discuss how easy is it for a threat actor to use Google dorking?
4. Provide recommendations for users and organisations to combat Google dorking.
B. Recommended Cryptoperiods (maximum 600 Words)
A cryptographic key is a value (essentially a random string of bits) that serves as input to an algorithm, which then transforms plain text into ciphertext (and vice versa for decryption). One of the important characteristic that determines key strength is its cryptoperiod. Or the length of time for which the key is authorised for use.
1. From current literature survey, critically analyse and discuss cryptoperiods for hash, symmetric, and asymmetric algorithms. Find at least three sources for each of the algorithms (select two algorithms from each category).
2. Draw a table to list the algorithms and the recommend time, and then calculate the average of each.
3. Provide recommendation on the cryptoperiods for each selected algorithm.
C. Cloud Computing (maximum 600 Words)
Cloud computing is a pay-per-use computing model in which customers pay only for the online computing resources they need. It is a model for enabling convenient, on demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provide interaction. Based on your research and analysis
1. Discuss the importance of cloud computing in today's world. Explain four service models in the cloud computing.
2. Explain one security protection for cloud computing used in an organization.
3. Compare Microsoft Azure with Amazon Web Services (AWS). Create a table that lists at least five options. Include the advantages and disadvantages of each. Which would you recommend? Why?
4. Would you recommend the cloud computing for your school? Justify your recommendation.
D. Compare Protocol Analysers (maximum 600 Words)
A protocol analyser is a hardware or software that captures packets to decode and analyse their contents. Network traffic can be viewed by a stand-alone protocol analyser device or a computer that runs protocol analyser software.
1. Analyse and discuss the importance of protocol analysers from an enterprise point of view.
2. Research any two protocol analysers (such as Wireshark, Colasoft Capsa, and Microsoft message Analyser) and compare their features.
3. Download and install each selected product on your personal /lab computer using Virtual machine (Kali Linux /Windows 8.1 Professional) in Virtual Box. Perform protocol analysis (provide snapshots)
4. Which analyser would you recommend? Justify your recommendation.
E. References
Must consider at least five current references from journal/conference papers and books. Must follow IEEE Transactions on Networking style.