Discuss the implications related to mental health

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Reference no: EM132473276 , Length: 2

1. Review of the Book

Overall, you have some flexibility in the organization of the book review, but it should include:

  1. A very short (i.e., no more than 1 paragraph) overview of the content of the book.
  2. A brief critique of the author's approach to the topic. This section should include a discussion on the particular part(s) of the book you believe to be very strong and why, as well as the part(s) you found somewhat problematic and why. Be sure to incorporate social work-related issues we've discussed in class and/or have covered in the readings. 
  3. A brief discussion of some of the implications related to mental health and social work practice that you see arising from the book. If the author raises his/her own recommendations, you can analyze those, but you should also bring something new to the discussion.
  4. A brief discussion of where you see (or do not see) interdisciplinary collaboration between systems or people (e.g., law enforcement intersecting with immigration or social service agencies). 
  5. A brief discussion of how micro social work and macro social work intersect with each other. 
  6. A brief reflection on one "aha" moment you have experienced while reading this book. Also, how do you see yourself integrating material from this book in the work you will do?
  • The book review should 2 pages and single-spaced, using 12 point Times New Roman font.

2. Discussion Questions

Question 1: Two or more discussion questions that you will use during the in-class"book club" should be submitted. In particular, you are strongly encouraged to reflect on and develop questions related to core social work values, as well as micro and macro social work integration in the book you read.

Reference no: EM132473276

Questions Cloud

Price elasticity of demand for car in market : What is the price elasticity of demand for this car in this market? Given your answer, explain why it would be wise or unwise to increase the price.
Derive the equation for the is curve : Derive the equation for the IS curve (Hint: You want an equation with Y on the left-hand side and all else on the right). Derive the equation for the LM curve
Identify all of the subgame-perfect pure-strategy : Identify all of the pure-strategy Nash equilibria in this game. Identify all of the subgame-perfect pure-strategy Nash equilibria in this game.
Discuss managed care role in promoting health : Discuss the impact managed care has on the access, financing, and delivery of health care in the United States. Discuss managed care's role in promoting health.
Discuss the implications related to mental health : Breif discussion of some of the implications related to mental health and social work practice that you see arising from the book.
What is the payoff function for player : Find the pure strategy Nash equilibria under the assumption that all participants are fully rational and only interested in their own earnings.
Relationship between prices and quantities : An initial market survey shows that the relationship between prices and quantities are Qa = 16 - 2Pa + 2Pb and Qb = 24 - 2Pb + 4Pa.
How major aspects of the US health care systems : How major aspects of the US health care systems have been modified to better represent the changes in delivery of care and compensation
How the price of a bacon cheeseburger will change relative : Using supply and demand graphs, predict how the price of a bacon cheeseburger will change relative to the price of a chicken sandwich at McDonald's.


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