Reference no: EM133776985
Information System and Networking
Assignment Description
This assignment assesses the student's application of the theoretical learning to practical, real-world situations.
Students will select one of the following business sectors -
Agriculture and Environment
Real estate
Banking and Finance
Telecommunication and Information Technology
After deciding the business sector, students are required to find out a recent case study on the benefits and inherent risks of the growth of ubiquitous computing and AI in that sector.
Students will analyse the impacts these technologies are having on a specific business sector. Then students will explore the likely impacts ubiquitous computing and AI will have on the broader society, exploring aspects such as safety, security, privacy, equity, and ethics related to these technologies.
Along with the critical analysis, students must include an appendix that summarises (in an academically sound fashion) at least three authoritative and relevant sources of information.
Group PowerPoint Preparation
1. Prepare a PowerPoint file with 20 slides summarizing your findings.
Individual Presentation
Each student in the group will present at least 5 slides from the PPT presentation file.
Individual Summary Report
Define the selected business sector and briefly discuss the case study.
Discuss the impacts of ubiquitous computing and AI in the selected business sector, considering the aspects such as safety, security, privacy, equity, and ethics related to these technologies.
Format and Referencing
Minimum 3 appropriate references. Student must follow ACS Level 7 referencing style for citation and referencing.
Define the selected business sector and briefly discuss the case study.
Discuss the impacts of ubiquitous computing and AI in the selected business sector, considering the aspects such as safety, security, privacy, equity, and ethics related to these
APA 7 referencing style.