Discuss the impact that various factors had on your dreams

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Reference no: EM132621955

Assignment: Specifically, for this assignment you will:

1. Keep a sleep/dream journal for at least 10 days throughout Weeks 3 and 4. In your journal make note of:

• any dreams you had

• any initial thoughts about the dream - events of the day that may relate, etc.

• your general sleep schedule (if you have a tracker such as fitbit, include data on your sleep patterns as well - wakefulness, restlessness, times asleep/awake per night, total sleep, etc.)

• your general eating habits by day

• your general exercise habits by day

• anything else of note in your psychological or physical health (stress, excitement, changes, etc.)

2. You may use any format you wish to record the data (notepad, computer, hardcopy spreadsheet, etc.).

3. Complete a 3-4 page reflection (not counting title or reference pages) in which you analyze the results of your sleep/dream journal. Consider how your psychological and physical health interacted. What patterns did you see? Discuss the impact that various factors such as fatigue, diet, stress and exercise had on your dreams and sleep patterns. Explain how this insight may impact your behaviors in the future to lead to better psychological and physical health.

4. Utilize at least 2 academic resources (your course readings can comprise one of the sources) to support your analysis and discussion.

In my sleeping journal, for the first 4 days, starting on the 21st of Aug, I was very stressed, with my deceased fathers' birthday being on the 23rd.I was very restless, tossing and turning, on those days I had also caught the flu, wasn't eating nor exercising. the next 2 days I started eating soup, listening to music that makes me happy, taking medicine to help with the aches and sleep, sleep was more peaceful. the next 4 days I started working out at home, drinking more water, eating more green food, staying away from chicken, beef, pork.

Reference no: EM132621955

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