Discuss the impact that have on culture of the organisation

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM132245984 , Length: 2500 Words

Managing and Organisational Assignment -

The learning outcomes being addressed through this assignment are:

Knowledge and understanding -

a. Critically analyse the factors contributing to organisational dynamics, their relative merits and impact within different organisational contexts.

b. Evaluate and critically assess the different theoretical approaches to organisational behaviour and the impact that it has on both the individual and group dynamics.

c. Synthesise the various approaches to organisational form and their implications to the working environment and organisational practice.

Subject specific skills -

d. Interpret and analyse a selection of models, concepts and techniques associated with organisational Behaviour.

e. Make evidence-based business judgements about the advantages and disadvantages of different ways of organising work and the consequences of choices which are made

Key Skills -

f. Demonstrate problem solving capability in complex and varied organisational scenarios

g. Analyse, evaluate and reflect on complex issues and material

h. Desmonstrate the ability to communicate effectively, in oral or in written form, demonstrating a masters level of academic rigour and the practical and analytic competencies of an organizational leader

Purpose of the Assessment -

The purpose of this assignment is to undertake a research report in relation to the chosen topics (see the assessment task) from the list below. It is mandatory that you develop a critical and analytical report to meet the assessment criteria. You should demonstrate the depth of your research, and highlight your ability to question, compare and contrast and analyse a range of theories and texts in relation to your topics.

It is essential that you demonstrate the width and depth of your research and that you are able to critically analyse and evaluate the application of knowledge to contemporary business matters. As a post graduate business student it is essential that you demonstrate up-to-date knowledge regarding organisational behaviour issues and that you can reach evidence based conclusions in your writing.

Assessment Task -

A. Identify from your research and academic theory, two of the paired topic areas from the module.

You should select either 1 or 2 and either a or b only

1. Work groups and teams

2. Management and Leadership

a) Power and Politics

b) Conflict and Negotiation

B. Using your organisation or one that you are familiar with as a case study, analyse and critically discuss the impact that your topic areas may have on the culture of the organisation. Your analysis must be based upon relevant academic literature. It must also make specific reference to conceptual models and theories.

Focusing on the chosen topic you must write a 2,500 word report. Compare, contrast, synthesise and critically analyse research on this topic using quality sources of information. Quality sources normally include academic journals and business reports - and there will be guidance on NILE to help you to consider the credibility of your research.

Below is the proposed structure for the report -

1. Introduction.

2. Leadership and Management (or work groups and teams).

3. Power and Politics (or conflict and negotiation).

4. Organizational Culture.

5. Brief overview of your chosen organization (this section may also fit just after your introduction).

6. How leadership and management (or work groups and teams) and power and politics (or conflict and negotiation) impact on organizational culture of the chosen organization.

7. Conclusion.

8. References.

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Reference no: EM132245984

Questions Cloud

How did parent support for you vary from year to year : How did parent support for you vary from year to year (from elementary school to high school)? Please give specific examples.
Identify the points during the transcribed conversations : Identify the points during the transcribed conversations in which the interviewer verbally summarized key ideas,
What are the areas that strategic management focuses on : Differentiate the field of strategic management from other fields of organizational studies - what are the areas that strategic management focuses on?
Analyzing a communication technique-presentations : Analyzing a communication technique-presentations. On a daily basis, it is often expected that professionals be proficient with presentations.
Discuss the impact that have on culture of the organisation : HRMM055 Managing and Organisational Assignment, THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTHAMPTON, UK. Discuss the impact that have on culture of the organisation
Describe ways to support gardners naturalist intelligence : Describe ways to support Gardner's naturalist intelligence. Talk about the importance of providing this experience for children with Special Needs.
Measure productivity or effectiveness in the workplace : Employers often define metrics to measure productivity or effectiveness in the workplace. Identify three activity or productivity metrics from your workplace.
Which technique is your preferred method : Which technique is your preferred method, and how is your chosen multivariate technique different from the other two techniques?
Describe the range of emotions associated with parent : Identify and describe three roles that a parent of a child who has a disability might fulfill that are unlike the roles typically associated with parenting.



3/1/2019 1:11:33 AM

Focusing on the chosen topic you must write a 2,500 word report. Compare, contrast, synthesise and critically analyse research on this topic using quality sources of information. Quality sources normally include academic journals and business reports – and there will be guidance on NILE to help you to consider the credibility of your research. A critical report requires you to identify, select and analyse the research on the key themes and to critically discuss the implications of the research in relation to real world situations. You must employ evidence based analysis and cite your sources and present a reference list. Support for this will also be available on NILE.


3/1/2019 1:11:26 AM

You work will be marked against the following criteria - Achievement of the Assessment Brief (To what extent does the work address the task set? Critical analysis and evaluation of sources in a relevant and logical manner – development of a report that reflects advanced scholarship, and effectively integrates analysis, synthesis, evaluation and application to the real world. Professional Report presentation, structure, formatting, and expression. Harvard referencing, in text citations, and reference list.


3/1/2019 1:11:21 AM

Assessment Submission - To submit your work, please go to the ‘Submit your work’ area of the Module NILE site. It is important that you submit your work to the correct module NILE site, and that your work is submitted on time. Academic Practice - This is an individual assignment. The University of Northampton policy will apply in all cases of copying, plagiarism or any other methods by which students have obtained (or attempted to obtain) an unfair advantage. Support and guidance on assessments and academic integrity can be found from the following resources.


3/1/2019 1:11:16 AM

Work of distinguished quality which is evidenced by an authoritative comprehensive, detailed and systematic knowledge base and understanding for specialised area of study. A key feature will be the ability to work with creativity and originality using knowledge and insights at the forefront of the area of study. There will be a confident grasp of disciplinary methodologies for the discipline/area of study which will be consistently reflected in both own research and advanced scholarship, effectively integrating advanced skills of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and application on a firm foundation of critical facility. Work will be characterised by strong technical expertise to high professional standards, and there will be sustained evidence of confident, autonomous operation and judgment in complex and unpredictable professional situations both in relation to working with others and in relation to own functioning. Self-direction, creativity, practical understanding will be combined to demonstrate the qualities expected of an effective self critical independent learner exercising excellent measured judgment, and will be a consistent feature of work.


3/1/2019 1:11:08 AM

Please also note the following: Please take the given feedback for assessment one into consideration. Follow Harvard Referencing throughout your work (in your in-text citations and your reference list). The work should be critical and analytical. This is a level 7 qualification. It is not too late to make aware of yourself about the level seven expectations. Wider research and reading is mandatory. Use only academic, professional sources which are RELIABLE and RELEVANT – journal articles, books, information from Government websites. Get someone to proof read or peer mark your work.


3/1/2019 1:11:02 AM

You can upload your work to NILE site prior to the deadline and view your similarity report. The focus of assessment two is to discuss how the chosen topics impact on organizational culture of the case study organization. This must be kept in mind when writing up your report. Focus on your academic writing and also ask yourself - Does the introduction say what I am planning to do in my assignment? Does my work reflect critical and analytical thinking in relation to linking the chosen topic with organizational culture? Have I addressed the assessment task? Any deviations? Does the conclusion link to my discussion and introduction? Please refer to learning and development and library support web pages for further support and guidance.

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