Discuss the impact that changing business cycles may have

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM132495526

Question: For data read the question properly. Such as OECD in first question. type OECD on google and find the data.

1) Using data from the OECD, graph the real GDP levels for the U.S., Germany, and Canada for the past 20 years. Briefly state below your graph (on the Excel spreadsheet) if the U.S. real GDP is more closely related to that of Germany or Canada.

2) Using data from the World Health Organization, graph the health care expenditures as a percentage of GDP for the same countries since the year 2000 (in US$ per capita). Briefly state below your graph which of the two countries most closely relate to each other.

3) Using data from the World Health Organization, graph three healthcare outcomes (of your choosing) for the same countries. Briefly state below your graph which countries are achieving better outcomes (as indicated by your chosen measures) and why that may be the case.

4) For your one page summary brief, discuss the impact that changing business cycles may have on healthcare spending and health outcomes.Be as specific as possible

Reference no: EM132495526

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