Discuss the impact of the second world war on africa

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133648397


In short-answer essays, answer the following questions:

1. Discuss in which way did cash-crop production, required by colonial rulers right from the start of colonial rule, was an effective means for achieving the objectives of the colonial conquerors, as well as for the transformation of African economies societies?

2. What factors/reasons drove European colonial powers to exploit the resources of some of their African colonies through white-settler agricultural production and others predominantly through cash-crop production by African peasants?

3. Discuss the impact of the Second World War on Africa and Africans. How did this compare with the impact of the First World War discussed in Chapter 24? To what extent could the war be said to have liberated Africans from European domination?

4. Compare and contrast the route to independence in British west Africa with that in French West and Equatorial Africa.

Reference no: EM133648397

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