Discuss the impact of the new ssd requirements

Assignment Help Civil Engineering
Reference no: EM131074821 , Length: word count:2700


Choose any three (3) of the following topics and prepare a response as instructed.

Topic 1

In 1000 words or less, provide a comprehensive review of travel demand management presenting its contrasts to travel supply management. The advantages and disadvantages of these two transport management strategies should be described citing examples and references. Include illustrations where appropriate.

Topic 2

Stopping sight distance (SSD) is the sight distance required by a driver to see a hazard in the road ahead, react, and then stop in time before impacting the hazard. It is determined by the following formula:

SSD = RTV/3.6 + V2/(254(d + 0.01a))

RT = reaction time (sec)

V = operating speed (km/h)

d = coffiecient of declaration (longitudinal friction factor)

a = longitudinal grade (%, + for upgrades and -for downgrades).

A road authority has been using a driver reaction time of 1.5 seconds, and a coefficient of deceleration of 0.46 in its road designs. They have been asked to increase the driver reaction to 2 seconds and reduce the coefficient of deceleration to 0.36, to be consistent with the rest of the country. You are required to write a technical note of 800 words or less to qualitatively explain the cost/ financial implications that this will have on modifying existing road network. In your response, you have been specifically requested to discuss the impact of the new SSD requirements on curved road sections.

Topic 3

An existing arterial road will be bypassed by a high-speed, high-mobility motorway (freeway). This has created an opportunity to "return the arterial road to the community". You are required to prepare a written strategy of no more than 1000 words describing four (4) methods to improve the access/amenity of the road. In your response you must be particularly mindful of induced traffic demand which may contravene the project objectives. The strategy must be well justified.

Topic 4

"Speed zones must be self enforcing"

Using three (3) examples, explain how road design features can assist in self-enforcing a low-speedroad to a nominated speed limit (ie. 10-60km/h). You can discuss more than speed limit value if desired. In your answer, you must include risk compensation/ homeostasis theory. Word limit is 1000 words.

Topic 5

Compare and contrast four-way traffic signal controlled intersections versus four-way roundabouts. In your response, discuss the safety implications of each as well as the traffic performance implications. Word limit is 500 words.

It is re-emphasised that you are to complete three (3) topics only, NOT all five.

You need to make assignment on 3 topics out of 5. References must be required with citation and in harvard reference style.

Reference no: EM131074821

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