Discuss the ideas of rhetorical analysis

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM131249395 , Length: word count : 700

Write a 700-word paper (please copy and paste it into the discussion thread) that rhetorically analyzes the the message in a video.

Discuss the ideas of rhetorical analysis.

I have chosen John Oliver's video on net neutrality "Net Neutrality: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)" which can also be found at the following link: https://youtu.be/fpbOEoRrHyU.

This video covers a serious topic that will likely be revisited in the future. Listen to his message on net neutrality and analyze Oliver's technique;

how does he employ ethos, pathos, logos to persuade his audience, and are there any patterns in how he delivers his information that you notice occurring in his segment. Also draw on the comments and video statistics to help support your analysis.

Reference no: EM131249395

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