Reference no: EM132997321
The focus of the Holistic Victim Restitution Plan is to critically analyze victimology through the application of information from sociology, law, psychology, ethics, and related fields to the study of victimology and to develop a holistic plan for victim restitution.
Question 1: Discuss the history of victimology, victimology theories, and varying approaches used to address the needs of crime victims.
Question 2: Explain who the stakeholders are in crime victimization.
Question 3: Describe the interrelationship of victimology to social justice and the operations of the criminal justice system, including, but not limited to: crime scene investigation techniques and security; the collection, preservation and presentation of evidence; and issues related to correctional institutions, incarceration, and release of offenders.
Question 4: Identify the socioeconomic (cultural) diversity and its relation to contemporary criminal and social justice and victimology.
Question 5: Detail the breakdown of possible strategies and interventions designed to address criminal victimization.
Question 6: Describe how techniques of addressing victimization impact the needs of crime victims.
Question 7: Predict how crime prevention and intervention strategies will be handled over at least the next two decades.
Question 8: Create a holistic plan for addressing victim restitution.