Discuss the good and the bad of javascript libraries

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131070412

JavaScript Questions

1. Discuss the good and the bad of JavaScript Libraries. In what circumstances would you use Libraries?

2. Identify and share Javascript APIs that are built into HTML5 which you would be more likely to use. Also, share the type of solutions you would use the APIs.

3. Describe what design measures you will incorporate in your web sites to assure web site security? Provide some examples.

Reference no: EM131070412

Questions Cloud

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Greater value on protecting : At the beginning of the film, Paul places far greater value on protecting his family than on protecting his neighbors. However, as the film progresses, his sense of obligation to his neighbors and his countrymen deepens.
Discuss the good and the bad of javascript libraries : Discuss the good and the bad of JavaScript Libraries. In what circumstances would you use Libraries? Describe what design measures you will incorporate in your web sites to assure web site security? Provide some examples.
Orbital period of the second moon : The second moon has an orbital radius of 9.378*10 3 km. What is the orbital period of the second moon? Show all work.
Torque acting on the cylinder : A 60.0 kg uniform solid cylinder has a radius of 0.443 m.If the cylinder accelerates at 5.90 ×10-2 rad/s2 as it rotates about an axis through its center, how large is the torque acting on the cylinder? Answer in units of N · m.
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