Discuss the goals for tuning the server operating system

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131279824

Tasks Objectives:

1. Analyse requirements for the construction of a database system based on an understanding of performance issues.

2. Gather and analyse data for database performance and tuning.

3. Configure and tune a database for optimal performance

Task # 1 Submit a work proposal for this assignment by the end of week 4th i.e. 5th ,

November 2016 (11:55 pm) which must include:
- Understanding of deliverables - a detail description of deliverables
- General overview of proposed plan - initial understanding of solution for the task-2 and task-3.
- Resources identified
The work proposal must be submitted in a word file through the link available in Moodle.

Task # 2 Consider you have joined as a Database Administrator in a software development company. You have been assigned the role of designing a new application to be developed.
a) Discuss at least three design areas you would focus to improve the performance of database.

b) Discuss the goals for tuning the server operating system and at least
three areas that are normally tuned.
- The solution must be written in a maximum of 4 pages.
- Solution must be in your own words.
- Relevant examples of your own and necessary SQL commands should be given.

Task # 3 The web link to the following Oracle White Paper is given in the college Moodle web page:
Colgan, M., "Oracle Database In-Memory Option", Oracle Corp., 2014.

Discuss how the Oracle database in-memory option is used to improve the performance of analytic queries.

Note: The solution for the task-3 must be given in your own words with relevant examples not exceeding 2 pages. The given white paper is for your reference only and your answer should not be limited to this paper only. You may refer various other resources and provided references for the same.

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Task-2 a) To provide with minimum 3 design areas you would focus to improve the performance of database.This will include the methods and demonstrating the same with help of example.b) To provide with goals for tuning the server operating system and minimum three areas that are normally tuned. We should understand the requirement of performance tuning and where we can implement the same so as to achieve best results.Task-3 To provide with points that state how the Oracle database in-memory option is used to improve the performance of analytic queries ,based on identifying analytic queries .

Reference no: EM131279824

Questions Cloud

It project risks and risk management : Refer to Chapter 16. This is a good area to do some external research - see what you can find on the web about IT project risks and risk management.
What is the required air velocity in the wind tunnel : If the model tests are to be performed in a wind tunnel using standard air, what is the required air velocity in the wind tunnel? Is this a realistic velocity?
Describe the organizations current business model : Describe the organization's current business model. Evaluate the impact of internal resources and financial capabilities on the business model implementation.
What is the corresponding prototype velocity : The water velocity at a certain point along a 1:10 scale model of a dam spillway is 3 m/s. What is the corresponding prototype velocity if the model and prototype operate in accordance with Froude number similarity?
Discuss the goals for tuning the server operating system : In turning moment diagram. why we start to draw curve from o degree - Discuss how the Oracle database in-memory option is used to improve the performance of analytic queries and Discuss the goals for tuning the server operating system and at least
Review summary of the who discussion on gender genetics : Review summary of the WHO discussion on Gender Genetics and specifically Sex Selection and Discrimination. Offer 2 arguments in favor, and 2 opposed, brief and concise. Also a summary statement of your position and opinion.
What velocity is required in the water tunnel : To correctly simulate the behavior of the prototype moving with a velocity of 30 m/s, what velocity is required in the water tunnel?
The markowitz model of mean or variance optimization : Discuss the principles as they relate to creating a custom index using the Markowitz model of mean/variance optimization.-  What do you see as the main issues as they relate to the principles?
Determine the required surface tension scale : If the problem is to be studied by using a 1:15 scale model, determine the required surface tension scale if the density scale is equal to 1. The model and prototype operate in the same gravitational field.



11/17/2016 2:25:58 AM

Guidelines Follow the guidelines mentioned below for your assignment: ? Code developed (Soft Copy) should be included. Assignment must be submitted through Moodle and it will undergo plagiarism detection test through turnitin (a plagiarism detection tool). ? Handwritten assignments / hard copy will not be accepted. ? Use Page Number & proper References. ? Assignment should have a Title Page. Title Page should contain the following information. ? Assignment Name ? Section Name ? Student name ? Student ID Number ? Faculty Name ? The Table of Contents Should have, each deliverable task number, content, page number ? Assignment should be typed in your own words using Times New Roman font size 12. ? Heading should be with Font Size 14, Bold, Underline ? Feedback shall be given in Moodle within one week from the last date of submission of work proposal and final assignment document.

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