Discuss the goals challenges and tactics of labor movement

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM131098930

Question 1

Which of the following was not a motive of reformers?

a. To end corruption in business
b. To end what many thought was a crisis of democracy
c. To abolish slavery
d. To close the gap between rich and poor
e. To restore faith in political parties

Question 2

Because of this machine, and the belief that women were more dexterous than men, the post-Civil War era saw an increase in the female workforce in businesses.

a. Gas light
b. Vacuum cleaner
c. Typewriter
d. Cotton gin
e. Sewing machine

Question 3

The Hawaiian ruler Queen Liliuokalani tried to do what in the early 1890s?

a. Increase tariffs
b. Restrict the growing political power of America in the islands
c. Institute an income tax
d. Increase American immigration
e. Broker a trade agreement between the United States and Hawaii

Question 4

In the last quarter of the 19th century, most southern communities lacked ________________, so they relied on ______________.

a. banks, barter
b. banks, imports
c. stores, barter
d. banks, exports
e. merchants, liens

Question 5

The father of the muckrakers, and their style of writing, could be considered

a. Theodore Roosevelt.
b. Samuel McClure.
c. Upton Sinclair.
d. Ida Tarbell.
e. Wilfred Brimley.

Question 6

The decision to only allow gold to be coined for money was derisively called the

a. New Deal.
b. Crime of '73.
c. New Prosperity.
d. Sherman Anti-Silver Act.
e. Corrupt Bargain.

Question 7

A major concern toward those labeled "new immigrants" was

a. that they were unwilling to work and therefore a drain on society.
b. that they brought with them diseases from the old world.
c. that they were competing with native-born Americans for highly skilled jobs.
d. that they were primarily socialists.
e. that they resisted assimilation.

Question 8

What affected African Americans' rights to vote in the South during the Gilded Age?

a. The passage of the Fifteenth Amendment removed their right to vote.
b. Jim Crow Laws removed their right to vote.
c. The passage of the Thirteenth Amendment gave them the right to vote.
d. Congress passed a law giving them the right to vote for president.
e. The Supreme Court ruled that property cannot vote.

Question 9

Overcrowded, filthy, and poorly maintained ___________ were where the poor of the urban areas lived.

a. skyscrapers
b. central housing authorities
c. government housing
d. tenements
e. colonias

Question 10

The biggest stumbling block to progressivism during the Progressive Era was

a. state legislatures.
b. Congress.
c. the Supreme Court.
d. the president.
e. big business.

Question 11

The landmark Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson established the legal precedent of

a. separation of powers.
b. verticality.
c. separate but equal.
d. capital punishment.
e. judicial review.

Question 12

What is the name of the U.S. battleship that famously sank in Havana Harbor in 1898?

a. The New Jersey
b. The Maine
c. The Virginia
d. The Massachusetts
e. The Alamo

Question 13

All of the following were motivating ideas for American imperialism according to President McKinley except

a. national glory.
b. commerce.
c. evangelism.
d. racial equality.
e. racial superiority.

Question 14

The Sandlot Incident was aimed at protesting the hiring of what group of immigrants?

a. Mexican
b. Chinese
c. Irish
d. Spanish
e. German

Question 15

For a $10 million down payment, the Roosevelt administration arranged the use in perpetuity of

a. Alaska.
b. Guam.
c. Wake Island.
d. The Panama Canal.
e. Hawaii.

Question 16

The largest territorial acquisition of the 19th century since the Louisiana Purchase was

a. British Columbia.
b. Alaska.
c. The Philippines.
d. Puerto Rico.
e. Hawaii.

Question 17

The groups behind the YWCA and YMCA created their programs because

a. they believed that they could avoid sicknesses among the lower classes by being healthier.
b. they believed that the Devil could be better resisted by stronger people.
c. they believed that Christ had called them to better their bodies through fitness.
d. they believed that Christianity had gotten too far from the lower economic classes.
e. they believed that they were countering socialist movements by atheists.

Question 18

John D. Rockefeller is best associated with which industry?

a. Steel
b. Iron
c. Banking
d. Railroad
e. Oil

Question 19

In 1914, what did Wilson do to anger progressives?

a. Abolished segregation
b. Backtracked on tariff reform
c. Enacted immigration restrictions
d. Announced that his New Freedom plan was complete
e. Allowed trusts to be reformed

Question 20

"Open Door" policy of _________________ stated that China should remain open to European and American trade.

a. William Seward
b. Samuel Gompers
c. William McKinley
d. Grover Cleveland
e. John Hay

Question 21

_______________________ was the leader of the Filipino nationalists during the War of 1898.

a. William McKinley
b. Emilio Aguinaldo
c. Caesar Chavez
d. Theodore Roosevelt
e. Commodore Dewey

Question 22

The cash crop that made Hawaii valuable to the United States was

a. coconuts.
b. macadamia nuts.
c. sugar cane.
d. palm oil.
e. pineapple.

Question 23

The first "progressive" president was

a. William Howard Taft.
b. Warren G. Harding.
c. Theodore Roosevelt.
d. William McKinley.
e. Woodrow Wilson.

Question 24

Who is best associated with the Hull House?

a. Besty Braddock
b. Jane Addams
c. Angela Sims
d. Upton Sinclair
e. Ida Tarbell

Question 25

Which United States president was responsible for the annexation of Hawaii?

a. William Seward
b. William McKinley
c. Benjamin Harrison
d. James Garfield
e. Grover Cleveland

Question 26

What invention spurred the industrial and urban development?

a. Electricity
b. Coal-burning furnaces
c. Elevators
d. Steel factories
e. Subway system

Question 27

Eugene V. Debs and the ___________ became famous during the ____________.

a. Workingmen's Union, Sandlot Incident
b. Knights of Labor, Haymarket Riot
c. Pinkerton Agency, Homestead Steel Strike
d. American Railway Union, Pullman Strike
e. International Workers of the World, Anthracite Coal Mine Strike

Question 28

President Taft won office because

a. he was the only candidate who ran for office.
b. he was supported by Roosevelt.
c. he ran on an anti-reform ticket.
d. the democrats ran an unknown candidate for office.
e. the people were tired of Theodore Roosevelt and voted against him.

Question 29

Once Theodore Roosevelt became president, his motto became

a. "Ability is sexless."
b. "With malice towards none."
c. "The ends justify the means."
d. "Speak softly, and carry a big stick."
e. "When one must, one can."

Question 30

The Cuban War for Independence against Spain lasted how long?

a. From 1896 to 1898
b. From 1895 to 1897
c. From 1897 to 1898
d. For 117 days
e. From 1895 to 1898

Question 31

The post-Civil War South industrialized in all of the following areas except

a. the weapons industry.
b. the tobacco industry.
c. the housing industry.
d. the production of iron ore.
e. the coal industry.

Question 32

The group of journalists who drew attention to the abuses in society and published them in stories were known collectively as

a. Muckrakers.
b. Shivercrats.
c. Dixiecrats.
d. Mugwumps.
e. Loco Focos.

Question 33

Many Americans in the late 19th century assumed some races, like _________, were superior and other races, like ______________, were inferior.

a. English, Spanish
b. Indians, Africans
c. Spanish, Anglo-Saxons
d. French, English
e. Anglo-Saxons, Indians

Question 34

President ______________ argued that the United States must intervene to stabilize weak governments in the Western Hemisphere to keep European nations from doing so.

a. Taft
b. Roosevelt
c. McKinley
d. Wilson
e. Cleveland

Question 35

The Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution provided for

a. an income tax.
b. universal suffrage for women.
c. prohibition.
d. abolishment of slavery.
e. direct election of senators.

Question 36

During the Progressive Era, what was the most popular form of reform?

a. Abolishing sweatshops
b. Temperance
c. Providing universal female suffrage
d. Limiting the work day to ten hours
e. Reforming child labor

Question 37

In 1866, Secretary of State William H. Seward attempted to gain ______________ for the United States.
a. British Columbia
b. Hawaii
c. Holland
d. Washington Territory
e. Alaska

Question 38

What segment of the economy was not actively engaged in recruiting newly arrived immigrants during the Gilded Age?

a. Railroad companies
b. Mining
c. Factories
d. Agriculture
e. Textile mills

Question 39

Many of the reforms pushed by the Populists

a. were later ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.
b. had no effect on their intended areas.
c. were very successful in changing society.
d. were implemented by the progressives.
e. had disastrous effects when implemented.

Question 40

One of the most notorious of the robber barons was

a. Woodrow Wilson.
b. Jay Gould.
c. J. P. Morgan.
d. Wilt Chamberlain.
e. P. J. O'Rourke.

Question 41

In 1911, President Wilson ordered U.S. warships to blockade

a. Puerto Rico.
b. the Philippines.
c. Mexico.
d. Hawaii.
e. Guam.

Question 42

The concept of "survival of the fittest" being applied to human society was introduced by

a. Albert Schweitzer.
b. Charles Darwin.
c. William Churchill.
d. John Aubrey.
e. Herbert Spencer.

Question 43

As a result of the publication of The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783, the United States

a. built eleven new steel battleships.
b. built eleven new destroyers.
c. built a completely new navy.
d. increased the size of the army.
e. developed the torpedo.

Question 44

Prominent American anti-imperialists at the end of the 19th century include all of the following except

a. Andrew Carnegie.
b. Jane Addams.
c. Samuel Gompers.
d. Charles Eliot.
e. William Seward.

Question 45

According to Frederick Jackson Turner, the frontier

a. sparked the Industrial Revolution.
b. defined and shaped America.
c. hurt America's economic development.
d. delayed America's political growth.
e. caused Americans to be morally weak.

Question 46

Thanks to this man's invention, steel became substantially cheaper to make.

a. John D. Rockefeller
b. J. P. Morgan
c. Andrew Carnegie
d. George Titus
e. Henry Bessemer

Question 47

The Dawes Severalty Act of 1887

a. gave Native Americans the right to vote.
b. gave Native Americans representatives in Congress.
c. attempted to "Americanize" Native Americans.
d. moved all Native Americans to Mexico.
e. moved all Native Americans to Canada.

Question 48

In 1895, historian Brooks Adams argued that for the United States to survive and thrive, it had to

a. expand beyond its current borders.
b. reduce taxes.
c. increase tariffs.
d. do away with the Electoral College.
e. improve race relations.

Question 49

Examples of Jim Crow segregation include all of the following except

a. blacks-only railroad cars.
b. blacks-only restrooms.
c. blacks-only cemeteries.
d. the grandfather clause.
e. blacks-only water fountains.

Question 50

What was the progressive approach to social problems?

a. Evaluate, syndicate, socialize
b. Conform, conform, conform
c. Investigate, educate, legislate
d. Implement, eradicate, execute
e. Eradicate, legislate, regulate

Question 51

Talk about the cornerstones of American capitalism. What role did Manifest Destiny (westward expansion) and the growth of technology play in creating American capitalism? What problems arose from this rapid growth and expansion?

Question 52

In many ways consumerism, born out of industrialization, transformed American work spaces. Discuss these changes. Be sure to cite specific examples. Also, in your assessment, we these changes positive or negative for American society. Defend your position.

Question 53

Discuss the goals, challenges, and tactics of the Labor movement. Be sure to include the names of the prominent Unions and events.

Question 54

The rise of industrial cities and urbanization transformed the American urban landscape both for the better and for the worse. Describe two ways urbanization improved America and then two problems created by urbanization. Explain each in detail.

Question 55

Describe some of the ways Southern Democrats maintained their white hegemony.

Question 56

Bonus Question: (10 points bonus) Compare the Populist and Progressive movements. Critically analyze why the Progressive movement seemed to have more success. What were the limitations of the Populist movement?

Reference no: EM131098930

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