Discuss the general environment elements

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13676859

You will answer all five questions on the following pages. The answers all pertain to the Caribou Coffee video and the Wikipedia page that was assigned before the exam. In all questions you must use concepts discussed in class and in the reading material. Everyone has the same space for answering questions - one page per answer! Use only the space provided for each question. Please use good grammar and spelling.

Criteria for exam evaluation:

You must demonstrate both an understanding of the video that you saw in preparation for this exam as well as the concepts in the chapters of your text and the cases that we also discussed in class. I do not want just a regurgitation of material from the text. Instead, you need to provide keen analysis of the important issues and how they will affect the company over time and why they will affect the company.

A word to the wise: know the material, think about it, allocate your space carefully, and organize your answers so that they are convincing and easy to read. Explain your answers.

1. Using information from the video and Wikipedia, discuss the general environment elements that are affecting the companies in the industry and how these forces might affect the companies in the industry in the future. What opportunities and threats do you perceive?

2. Please conduct a five forces analysis of the industry. In general is this an attractive industry. Explain.

3. Describe the internal environment of the company. What are its resources and capabilities? What core competencies does it possess? Are they the source of a competitive advantage? Explain.

4. Discuss Caribou Coffee's business-level strategy (please provide evidence of this). Does the company have a good fit between its resources and capabilities and its business-level strategy? Explain. What threats do you see for Caribou given its business-level strategy? Be specific.

5. Imagine that you are the CEO of Caribou. What strategic actions would you take to grow the company (be specific and justify your recommendations with sound logic). What would you expect competitors would do in response (be specific). How should Caribou respond to these competitor reactions?

Reference no: EM13676859

Questions Cloud

Calculate how far is the electron above the wire : A straight horizontal wire carries a current of 6.50 mA. Calculate how far is the electron above the wire
Project on information communication technology : A project on Information Communication Technology(I.C.T). Want to know that what is internet? and how it works?
Obtain the gauge pressure of the water where it enters hose : Water flows at 0.25L/s through a 11 meter long garden hose 2 centimeter in diameter that is lying flat on the ground. Find the gauge pressure of the water where it enters the hose
Determine the total acceleration of a point on tip of blade : The blades of a ceiling fan have a radius of 0.332 meter and are rotating about a fixed axis with an angular velocity of +1.70 rad/s. Determine the total acceleration (in m/s2) of a point on the tip of a blade
Discuss the general environment elements : Discuss the general environment elements that are affecting the companies in the industry and how these forces might affect the companies in the industry in the future. What opportunities and threats do you perceive?
Obtain the strength of the central magnetic field : A short coil of five loops having a common radius of 5.50 centimeter conducts a current of 1.20 Amp. Obtain the strength of the central magnetic field
Find the strength of the magnetic field at the inner radius : A torpid consisting of 500 loops of wire carries a current of 3.25 Amp. Find the strength of the magnetic field at the inner radius of the torpid
Find the strength of the magnetic field created by this bar : A bar magnet with its center at the origin has a magnetic dipole moment equal to 6.50 J/T, directed along the positive z axis. Find the strength of the magnetic field created by this bar
Find what is the angular speed of the rod : A thin rod (length = 1.49 meter) is oriented vertically, with its bottom end attached to the floor by means of a frictionless hinge. Find what is the angular speed of the rod just before it strikes the floor


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