Discuss the future threats of middle east terror groups

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Reference no: EM133693347

Discussion Post

I. Discuss the future threats of Middle East terror groups. Be sure to address future threats from al Qaeda and ISIS from a homeland security perspective. Finally, what is your understanding of the protests and threats against Jews on college campuses? Is this a threat?

II. Is the use of EIT effective? If so, how and to what extent should it be used? If is not effective, explain why it isn't.

III. After reading all of the assigned Langston Hughes poems and following the ten steps listed in the "How to Explicate a Poem" resource, thoroughly explicate any one of the assigned week 8 poems of your choice. Somewhere within your response, be sure to correctly use at least two of the vocabulary terms listed in the boxes at the bottom of the resource (please bold or underline these terms using the ‘advanced editor' link under the forum box). Finally, discuss how/why your chosen poem resonated with you. Does your chosen poem have any relevance to current events today? If so, explain.

IV. Langston Hughes is considered not only a notable artist of the Harlem Renaissance but one of its primary leaders as well. Please analyze Hughes' poetry through the lens of authentic servant leadership (review the 'Authentic Servant Leadership' resource if needed). Imagine that you were tasked with finding a line or lines from a Hughes poem to pass along to someone in a leadership role-what lines would you choose, and why? Next, consider the moral aspect of Hughes' work. What specific leadership qualities or emphases do you see in Hughes' work that you would personally want to see in an authentic servant leader?

Reference no: EM133693347

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