Reference no: EM132721095
Learning outcome 1. Interpret and generate engineering drawing
Learning outcome 2. Identify and critically evaluate between different types of CAE: 2D drafting and 3D modelling.
Learning outcome 3. Critically review future trends in developing of CAE in combustion science and fire safety engineering.
Learning outcome 4. Explain numerical programming framework.
Learning outcome 5. Critically review principles of computational fire modelling and main challenges for FDS applications.
Question 1:
a) Define the following terms:
1. CFD boundary conditions (BCs)
2. CFD initial conditions
3. CFD geometry
4. CFD domain
5. CFD grid
Question 2: What is the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), provide simple explanation, and what are the general steps involved in constructing a solution using CFD?
Question 3: What are the applications of CFD modelling in fire engineering? Give examples.
Question 4: Use the graphical user interface for the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) PyroSim to structure a domain that includes a big room (room 1) (10 x 10 x 3 m3) with an internal corner room (room 2) of (5 x 5 x 5). The internal room has an internal and external door of 1.2 x 2 m2? View the 2D and 3D of the geometry. Extract the domain and Obstructions lines of the FDS file and include them in your answer.
Question 5: Explain two numerical techniques used in CFD simulations to solve Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) such as heat diffusion equation?
Question 6: Use the finite difference technique to numerically solve the diffusion equation or the heat conduction equation?
∂T/∂t = α.∂2T/∂x2
The equation has an open boundary in time, and you do not have to specify the conditions at a future time.
The initial condition for the temperature at all points in the region. You can write a general initial condition as T(x,0) = T0(x). Similarly you can write arbitrary boundary conditions for the boundaries at xmin and xmax: T(xmin,t) = TL(t) and T(xmax,t) = TR(t). These conditions, as well as values for the geometry and the diffusivity must be specified before solving the differential equation.
Question 7: Explain how can CFD numerical grid affect the quality of a computational solution? and how the ideal grid can be obtained and used?
Question 8: Discuss the fundamental principles of zone models.
Question 9: Use CFAST to view the 3D geometry of the building plan below:

All doorways 1 m wide x 2 m high.