Discuss the functionality of the structure or organ

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM13892208

Watch a video on embryonic developmental stages and then discuss how the developing structures and organs relate back to embryonic germ layers (for example, as in Table 22-2).

Development of Fetus by Maitri Venkatesh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aR-Qa_LD2m4

Watch the entire video at least once (4:30 miuntes). Then, watch it again and...

(1) Select an anatomical structure or organ associated with an embryonic development stage of your choosing

(2) Relate the structure or organ back to an embryonic germ layer (see Required Module and Chapter 28 Readings)

(3) Discuss the functionality of the structure or organ at that embryonic development stage. This might require a little additional research beyond the textbook, depending on which organ you selected.

Reference no: EM13892208

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