Reference no: EM133216025
Assignment - Global Terrorism Discussion
The purpose of this week is to set the foundation for the rest of the course by introducing you to the broad subject of terrorism. Go to the "Course Content" section. After familiarizing yourself with the Overview and Objectives, read the required readings found under "Week 1". Finally, move to the Discussion Questions below.
For full participation credit, you need to post a comment or answer to at least two questions (250-word minimum each) posed by the instructor (below) and write a substantive reply (150-word minimum) to the comment of at least two classmates.
1. What are the nine trends, or changes in the patterns and characteristics, of terrorism discussed in the 2022 Global Terrorism Index? What do you consider the most worrisome trend, and why?
2. Discuss the five terrorist strategies from the "Strategies of Terrorism" article. What are the counterstrategies for each? Which do you find the most concerning, and why?
3. Discuss the preliminary findings of the Profiles of Perpetrators of Terrorism (PPT) in the U.S. database. What conclusions can be drawn from this database and why?
4. Discuss the "COVID-19 and Terrorism" section of the 2021 Global Terrorism Index found on page 14 and 15. What was the role of the Internet? What does this portend for the future? Justify your answer.
Article - The Strategies of Terrorism. Author(s): Andrew H. Kydd and Barbara F. Walter.
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