Discuss the five stages of team development

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133219772

Part 1 - 10 Short Answer Questions

Q1. List the 4 Functions of Management.

Q2. What is a decision? Explain the difference between programmed and non-programmed decisions.

Q3. What is a SWOT analysis and what benefit does conducting this analysis offer to managers?

Q4. Discuss the five stages of team development?

Q5. Describe what is meant by the term "division of labor." Also explain the advantages and disadvantages associated with division of labor.

Q6. Describe the sources of human resources inside an organization.

Q7. Emotional Intelligence is the capacity of people to recognize their own feelings and the feelings of others, to motivate themselves, and to manage their own emotions as well as their emotions in relationships with others. State 2 skills possessed by Emotionally Intelligent managers.

Q8. Explain the difference between a leader and a manager.

Q9. Why is it managers must be concerned about the motivation of their employees above and beyond the paychecks employees receive in return for their labor?

Q10. "The only thing constant is change" is a very common saying. If this saying is indeed true, why then is it individuals have such difficult times accepting change?

Part 2 - Case Study - Case Scenario: Management Competencies - Communication, Leadership, Training & Morale:

Justine Johnson had been managing the Budget Department for the First State Financial Services, Inc. Because the work experience gained here was so helpful, much of the budget analysis work done in the department was performed by a group of management trainees. The trainees tended to be recent college graduates who were ambitious; they expected the budget work experience to be the pathway into the more prestigious Auditing Department.

Justine managed under the assumption that by keeping her office door "open", her employees would bring any problems to her attention. As a result, she stayed in her office and seldom met with the trainees. Instead, she would glance over the budget reports they submitted and return them through her secretary without comment.

The reports often contained many errors, which the trainees would be expected to make but which Justine's quick review did not catch. The department heads throughout First State who received the erroneous reports would complain directly to the trainees who prepared it. Over time, the relations between the department heads and the trainees deteriorated.

The trainees, who worked the same office area, easily shared their frustrations about the work and about Justine. These "gossip" sessions became more common and openly contemptuous of Justine. Once these "gossip sessions" became a common practice, the situation became adversarial: Us (the trainees) vs. them (Justine). And since she made no effort to hear from them, they made no effort to speak. Likewise, dissatisfaction with Justine's department spread among department managers.

The pressures of poor budget work and disgruntled employees continued to build until Justine's boss talked to her one day, demanding to know what went wrong. Justine, shaken by the news and unable to answer the questions, wondered what she should do now.

Case Questions -

1. Describe how Justine's assumption about employee problems affected her management practices.

2. Given the communication patterns between her, her staff, and other department heads, how should her communication and management situation be described?

3. What steps should she take to improve her training responsibilities?

4. What should she do now, after her boss' lecture, about dealing with the situation at hand?

Reference no: EM133219772

Questions Cloud

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Determine which alternative is more economical : Estimate is that the annual operating costs will decrease by 15%, that the new buses will last six years and that $ 4,000,000 each can be rescued once
Discuss the five stages of team development : What is a decision? Explain the difference between programmed and non-programmed decisions. Discuss the five stages of team development
Describe the significance of self-directed teams : Describe the significance of self-directed teams and the meaning of autonomous/semiautonomous work teams. How do self-directed teams compare to decision teams
Discuss and justify the top 10 indian industries : Discuss and Justify the Top 10 Indian Industries in 2022 with the number of Direct and Indirect employee details.
What are the two key geographic questions : What are the two key geographic questions that help geographers to look at the phenomena around them from a geographical perspective?
Examine the different healthcare delivery systems : This assignment supports the following objective: Examine the different healthcare delivery systems.


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