Discuss the five dysfunctions of a team

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Reference no: EM133254863

For this hypothetical scenario, assume that you have been hired to lead a team of highly skilled mechanics for an upscale aviation maintenance company that provides service for helicopters owned by corporations and private individuals. The team is comprised of nine individuals with similar levels of experience and training who have been with the company for 10-12 years each. This team generated impressive revenue growth for for an initial period of seven years, but has experienced declining revenue in each of the last five consecutive years. After spending some initial time observing your new team, communicating with team members, and also meeting with long-term clients, you have observed that the team does not seem to have a sense of urgency to complete repairs/maintenance in a timely manner, does not appear to have specific goals or objectives, and does not appear to have any systems for ongoing assessment/feedback.

Using your own words, discuss the five dysfunctions of a team. Specifically identify which of the five dysfunctions you think is being experienced in the hypothetical scenario described above (please include justification and support for your response). In addition to describing each of the common dysfunctions, identify/describe at least one strategy for minimizing the potential for each dysfunction within teams. Again, be sure to justify/support your response.

Reference no: EM133254863

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