Reference no: EM131485207
Essay must include the following....
A separate abstract and conclusion
7.5 pages of full content (not including abstract and conclusion)
APA Format
12 Point Times New Roman
Cite the sources within the essay
Minimum of 8 sources
Discuss the Expectancy Theory in Business Organizations and How to Motivate People Using it & the Contingency Theory.
Also Discuss How to Motivate Employees Using E.A. Locke's Goal-Setting Theory
The Essay Must also address the following with in depth details: -Bonus Plan, Goal Setting, The Role of Leadership, and How to Achieve Successful Leadership.
Answer the following questions: How Does Expectancy Theory Apply to Accepting Changes in the Workplace? With the answer, highlight the following: Resistance to Change, Expectancy with Change, Instrumentality with Change, and Valence with Change.