Discuss the evolution of jazz

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Reference no: EM133325957


Discuss the evolution of jazz. Where did it begin and how did it develop? How did jazz styles vary from state to state? Considering the regional variations in jazz, what distinguished it from other genres such as big band, slide, and blues?

Reference no: EM133325957

Questions Cloud

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Think of adolescent you know well : Think of an adolescent you know well (yourself, a sibling, a good friend, your own child, etc.). You do NOT have to identify who the adolescent is
Discuss the evolution of jazz : Considering the regional variations in jazz, what distinguished it from other genres such as big band, slide, and blues?
Deviant subculture and counterculture : Choose a deviant subculture/counterculture that interests you. You may provide a link if your group has an online presence. Why is your chosen group deviant?
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What social scientists have to say about causes of poverty : Discuss what social scientists have to say about causes of poverty. Why does poverty occur?


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