Reference no: EM132360570
Foundations of Programming Assignment - Input, Processing and Output, Simple Functions
Learning Outcomes -
- Describe and discuss the elements of effective programming style.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the software development life cycle and apply sound programming analysis techniques (design, coding, debugging, testing and documentation) to justify simple programming problems.
Assessment Description - In this project, you will work individually to write programs which demonstrate your understanding of IPO and usage of simple functions in Python programs.
Content and Structure - You will have to write simple programs to:
1. Accept inputs from user
2. Perform mathematical operations to process data entered by user
3. Print the output
4. Use simple functions which passes on user inputs to a function which performs the operation and returns the result which will be displayed on the console.
Program expectation -
- The student must be able to explain the working of the program and its logic.
- Program should be indented, proper comments should be given, modification history should be present, variable names and data types should be chosen appropriately.
- The program should compile and execute to display the result.
- The student must use programming constructs available in Python and follow coding standards.
Detailed Submission Requirements -
Three different program files must be uploaded.
First program must accept inputs from user, perform operation and display the result.
Second program must do the same but by using user defined functions which will accept parameters and return result.
Third program must also accept the operation that the user wants to perform on the inputs so for example user enters 2 numbers and then chooses to sum them up, the program should be able to do that. A menu could also be provided to user for example Add, Divide, Multiply, Subtract and other operations.
Follow coding standards, naming conventions for variables and functions.
Students will be asked to explain the working of their program and the logic they've used.