Discuss the effect of said policy on business

Assignment Help Managerial Economics
Reference no: EM132092237


Students are encouraged to take notes on how they will respond to the Final Project as they progress through the course. There are two intermediate "check-points" that we call milestones for this project built into the course as additional assignments to assist students in developing the project.

The Final Project is to be submitted in the dropbox titled Final Project. Correct APA format is required, including the standard APA title page.

For the project, answer the following thoroughly:

1. Discuss and define the current administration's economic policy.

2. Discuss the effect of said policy on business and individuals.

3. Develop a forecast of economic activity for the next five years with examples regarding how the information is being used in making business decisions to support your forecast.

The information covered in this project is expected to be presented in one comprehensive paper (7-9 pages), using APA format, and a minimum of six references, in addition to the textbook and Bible, are required. The Final Project is to be submitted by the end of class.

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Economy policy plays a very important role that includes trade protectionism, immigration reduction, corporate tax reform, and individuals tax also. In this assignments, the researcher will be going to discuss current US administrative economic policy. The researcher will provide the various effect of the policy on the people and business. Finally, the researchers had also provided the economic forecast of the explained policy created by President Donald Trump.

Reference no: EM132092237

Questions Cloud

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Discuss the effect of said policy on business : BUS5030 - Discuss and define the current administrations economic policy - Discuss the effect of said policy on business and individuals
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11/28/2018 12:54:45 AM

The first question mentions Discuss and define the current administration’s economic policy. Which administration's policy? The current US administration's policy. Its an excellent service.. It is always meeting my exception and I am sure that I will be using Experts Mind services in future. I will tell to my classmates and friends.


8/22/2018 12:01:48 AM

Each student must complete a Final Project. Students may use any material from any source while developing the Final Project, but every word (unless expressly quoted with appropriate credits given) must be that of the student submitting the paper. The information covered in this project is expected to be presented in one comprehensive paper (7-9 pages), using APA format, and a minimum of six references, in addition to the textbook and Bible, are required. The Final Project is to be submitted by the end of class.

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Managerial Economics Questions & Answers

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MGMT 3306: Solve the assignment problems, 1. Please answer the assignment questions in this docx file and save once you’re satisfied. Assignment 3covers the lectures slides for Week 6.

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