Discuss the document with an economist and christian view

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Reference no: EM131230819

Doc 1) Discuss this document with an economist and Christian View

It is quite remarkable that human beings are able to invent the technology possible that enables a company like Google to exist. From one of the best search engines in the industry, to roadside photos of homes in street view, Google has it all.

When using the search tool, the results are quite interesting when you search the word "Google" in the Google search engine. The first site hit that appears that is non-Google, non-wiki and non-Facebook is Twitter.com/google. This is Google Inc.'s official twitter account page. There is nothing too exciting, only a normal twitter account with 15.9 million followers. The second non-Google, non-wiki and non-Facebook site is www.forbes.com/companies/google. On this page, Forbes describes Google as the #2 most valuable brand in the world, estimated at $82 Billion.

AdWords is basically a way for companies to advertise on an even playing field with larger companies, with a pay-per-click method. Whenever the consumer clicks on the merchant's ad, the merchant pays Google a set fee for those clicks. In addition, the merchant is able to see exactly where and how the customers visit the site and where the advertising dollars would be most wisely spent. AdSense is different from AdWords, in that it allows merchants to place their ads anywhere on the net, next to content that is relevant to their product. This is also usually paid via a pay-per-click method when the consumer clicks on the merchant's image.

I would say that Google is successful in their advertising business model, because it generates revenue at an astronomical rate. Even if the company paying for the advertisement doesn't sell product or benefit, Google still earns a profit on the ad service. Google is poised to expand and improve the search element of their company. According to the video, Google claims that it is still in a relatively beginning stage as far as the Search feature is concerned.

The Psalmist writes in chapter 147:5, "Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite" (New American Standard Version Bible, 2009). The understanding, wisdom and power of God is immeasurable. It is almost foolish to even compare the wisdom, power and understanding of God to anything earthly, human or a synthetic product. To say that God's understanding is infinite is to say that the concept cannot be comprehended by the finite human mind. And how wonderful and amazing that thought is! If God is really God, how poor and simplistic He would be if the human mind could understand His thoughts. I'm glad that He is far beyond my grasp, because that means in a world of trouble and turmoil, He is in control and not me.


Holy Bible. (2009). New American standard version, La Habra: Lockman Publishing

An integrated marketing communications perspective: featuring Google.com (n.d.). Retrieved September 30, 2016 from https://www.viddler.com/embed/bf7fc9fa.


Doc 2) Discuss this document with an economist and Christian View

Using Google to research "Google," the first two "website hits" that appeared for me that were non-Google, non-Wiki, non-Facebook were first https://twitter.com/google and second https://www.google.org/. First, how to describe Google's Twitter page? Daniel Nations of Webtrends.About.com put it pretty succinctly: "[Twitter] is many different things to many different people... used by a family to keep in touch, or a company to coordinate business, or the media to keep people informed or a writer to build up a fan base" (2016, "What is Twitter?" (subheading), para. 1). Furthermore, Mr. Nations says, "Twitter is micro-blogging. It is social messaging. It is an event coordinator, a business tool, a news reporting service and a marketing utility" (2016, "What is Twitter?" (subheading), para. 2). Google is thus using Twitter to advertise itself and connect better with its followers. Second, Google.org is Google's nonprofit site for giving back to the community and really the whole world.

These two "hits" made it to the "first displayed" positions in a Google search through a couple means. First, Google's patented PageRankTMalgorithm "evaluates the entire link structure of the Web and uses the link structure" to decide which sites are most relevant (Kerin& Hartley, 2016, p. 397). Then Kerin and Hartley inform us that the method utilizes "hypertext-matching analysis to determine which pages are relevant to a specific search" and that it is the mixture of the "importance and the relevance of web pages [that] provides the search results" (2016, p. 397). Finally, through Google's AdWords and AdSense advertisers can make ads and "content providers [can] generate advertising revenue" (p. 397). Essentially, these two sites, therefore, made it to the top-displayed search results by being most relevant and significant to my search for "Google" based on the algorithm mentioned previously.

AdWord and AdSense

AdWord benefits a firm choosing to advertise with Google in that "advertisers can use AdWords to create ad text, select target keywords, and manage their account. The process allows advertisers to reach targeted audiences" (Kerin& Hartley, 2016, p. 397). AdSense benefits a firm by allowing them to "[place] ads next to their web page content rather than next to search results" so that they are "delivering ads that precisely target the content on the site's pages" and are thus "[enhancing] the experience for visitors to the website" such that "advertisers, website publishers, and information seekers all benefit (Kerin& Hartley, 2016, p. 397).


Kerin, R. A., & Hartley, S. W. (2016). Marketing: The Core, Sixth Edition. Retrieved from https://www.mheducation.com/home.html

Nations, D. (2016). What is Twitter? Twitter Explained. Retrieved from https://webtrends.about.com/od/socialnetworking/a/what-is-twitter.htm

Reference no: EM131230819

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