Reference no: EM133035485
Define decision making and discus the different types of decisions.
What are the conditions under which decision are made?
State the stages in the problem finding process.What is rational model of decion making? What are the steps in the rational problem solving process?
Discuss control and why it is necessary.Discuss the steps in the control process.
State and effectively expalin the types of control?What are the factors that determine the type of comtrol?
What are the qualities of an effective control system?Define motivation? What are the views of motivation?
Discuss the different motivation theories?Discuss the environmental factors that affect motivation. What are the three qualities necessary to create a motivating environment.
Discuss the understanding of commitment of mangers and employees. What are the formula used for aligning commitmernt by professor Coetzee.Define conflict. What are the viws of conflict?
What is functional conflict?Define dysfunctional conflict. Discuss Pond'a Model of organizational conflict.
What are te steps in conflict management process?
Discuss conflict resolving methods.Define change and change management.
Why is planned change necessary?Discuss factors as to why people resist change.
What are the sources of resistnace to change?What are the sources of individual resistance to change?
What are the sources of organizational resistance to change?How can an organization overcome resistance to change?
Discuss in detail the change process?
Discuss organizational culture
What are tghe sources of organizational culture? What are the implications of organizational culture to management?
State and explain at least five strategies that can be used to effectively manage workforce diversity?
Define ethics. Discuss the ethical approaches.
Define Corporate Social Responsibility and state the stakeholders in corporate social responsibility.