Reference no: EM133764948
According to the book of J. Daniel Hays the message of the prophets (2010) Please select five of the questions listed below and respond in light of what was learned and reviewed in this session, in your readings, and in the PowerPoint presentation, as well as in your own life experiences.
The questions are posed regarding OT Prophetic Literature in general and each individual prophet we will study in each session. Responses do not need to be extensive but do require more than yes or no replies.
1. Why are Genesis 3 - 11 and Genesis 12 of significance to the Old Testament prophets?
2. Discuss the differences between true and false prophets. What scriptures provide guidelines? Do you think there are still false prophets today? How can we use these scriptures in a modern context?
3. According to Hays, what is the three-part covenant formula?
4. According to Jonah 4, what was his real reason for not going to prophesy to the Ninevites?
5. Have you ever felt you didn't want to confront a situation because you might be called upon to forgive and forget?