Discuss the differences between the specific types of fats

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133380836

Case Study: Record all of the food and drink that you ingest for four straight days using the dietary guidelines for American or My Plate

It is important that portion sizes are as accurate as possible.

Record all the activity you complete for four days. For accuracy this includes: sitting, driving, screen time, class time, and exercise, walking around campus and elsewhere.


  1. Do you believe that your diet and exercise records are accurate? Why or why not?
  2. Based on the net calorie report, what have you concluded about the average amount of calories you are eating and how it relates your lifestyle, eating habits and body weight goals?
  3. Does your total carbohydrate intake fall within the range of a healthy diet? Are you happy with the amount and different types of carbohydrates you are eating? Discuss the different types of carbohydrate and why they matter in general and in your diet?
  4. Does your fat intake meet healthy requirements? Discuss the differences between the specific types of fats (saturated, unsaturated, omega3/6) and how they relate to health?
  5. Based on your lifestyle, do you believe that you are getting the right amount of protein, too much or not enough? Why?
  6. How is your sodium intake? What is one outcome of being deficient or sufficient for long periods of time?
  7. How is your iron intake? What is one outcome of being deficient or sufficient for long periods of time?
  8. How is your vitamin C intake? What is one outcome of being deficient or sufficient for long periods of time?
  9. What did you learn about your diet that you did not know before you did the analysis? What did you learn about some of the foods you traditionally eat? What are some challenges to eating well with your current lifestyle? If you decided to improve your diet, what things would you do? What is your final conclusion about your analysis? Give examples to explain your answer.

Reference no: EM133380836

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