Discuss the difference between training and development

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133211043

Assignment - Diffusion of Responsibility Essay & Discussion Questions

Chapter 10 discusses diffusion of responsibility-a belief that others will help someone in need, leading to a lessened sense of individual responsibility and a lower probability of helping. In this assignment, you will explore how diffusion of responsibility is exhibited in a real-world setting. To conduct this demonstration, when you are at work, on campus, or in some other public situation, act as if you need help with some minor problem.

For example, you can look around confusedly while looking at your phone or drop something that will scatter a bit. Choose something innocuous and harmless to yourself.

Do this a couple of times: once when there are several people present and once when there are only one or two people around.

After you complete these actions, write down your notes right away. Using your notes, compose an essay addressing the following points.

a. Describe what you did and how it indicated a need for help to others.

b. Explain the behavioral response to the situation when many people were present and when only a few people were present, including any differences between the two conditions.

c. Discuss whether the response you received fit with the textbook's discussion of the bystander effect. If your demonstration did not work out, explain why you think it might not have.

d. Describe a behavior that may elicit an aggressive, rather than a helping, response. Discuss whether you think the likelihood of an aggressive response would differ when many versus few people were present. Compare this pattern of aggressive responses to helping responses.

e. Draw on research from the textbook or another resource to support your answers.

f. Ensure that you identify circumstances and motivations that influence helping behaviors.

This Psychology Research tutorial will help you conduct research.

Your response should be at least two pages in length. You must use at least one academic source as a reference in your paper. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Please format your paper and all citations in accordance with APA guidelines.

Human Resource Development - 2 short answer questions- 200 words each

Briefly discuss the difference between training and development and how they can affect a performance appraisal.

What is the process for developing a succession plan? Also, explain the importance of a succession plan.

Reference no: EM133211043

Questions Cloud

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What is the rule of faith : What is The Rule of Faith? When did it originate, and what is its purpose? What should its role be with respect to interpreting Holy Scripture
Piece of archaeological evidence : As shown in Decoding Neanderthals, list one piece of archaeological evidence, one example of tool making, and one piece of evidence of symbolism
What is agriculture? : Assignment - Agriculture and Voltilization Questions - Q1. What is agriculture? Q2. What is voltilization? Q3. List three types of fertilizers
Discuss the difference between training and development : Human Resource Development - Briefly discuss the difference between training and development and how they can affect a performance appraisal
Part of the condition represented by code : Which type of instructional note indicates the condition excluded is not part of the condition represented by the code,
What is the role of acrosome in fertilization : What is the role of acrosome in fertilization? What are the functions of interstitial cells of Leydig and Sertoli cells in males?
Provide a recommendation for an adwords campaign : Provide a recommendation for an AdWords campaign. Provide a segment analysis and identify a new segment opportunity
Describe the main idea discussed in your chosen news story : Describe the main idea discussed in your chosen news story. Explain your prior and desired knowledge regarding the main idea in your news story


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