Reference no: EM133575619
Select at least two news articles that discuss the demand, supply, and equilibrium price of two substitute products, like beef and chicken; butter, and margarine. It can be two articles that discuss both products, or one article about one product and another article about another product.
At least one news article should be dated within the previous two months.
Refer to week 2 content materials and use specific economic vocabulary within your
discussion, i.e.
Demand for one product:
o Quantity demanded,
o Determinantsofdemand,
o Shiftsindemandcurve,etc.
Demand for another product: o Quantity demanded,
o Determinantsofdemand,
o Shiftsindemandcurve,etc.
Supply for one product
o Quantity supplied,
o Determinantsofsupply,
o Shiftsinsupplycurve,etc.
Supply for another product o Quantity supplied,
o Determinantsofsupply,
o Shiftsinsupplycurve,etc.
Changes in equilibrium quantity and equilibrium price for one product
Changes in equilibrium quantity and equilibrium price for another product
The articles you choose may not use these exact terms; therefore, it is incumbent upon you to convert the article language into economic language as is appropriate.
Abstract (0.5 of a page) - the short description of the concepts, problems, questions
discussed in the Short paper.
2. Introduction (0.5 of a page) (optional)
3. Discussion (about 2-3 pages) - Your task for this part of the Short paper is to analyze the
issue described in the articles using the economic concepts and theory learned in this class. Refer to the course content materials of week 2 and use specific economic vocabulary within your term paper. The articles you choose may not use these exact terms; therefore, it is incumbent upon you to convert the article language into economic language as is appropriate.
Create at least one graph that shows the demand curve, the supply curve, shifts in demand and/or supply curve, changes in equilibrium quantity and equilibrium price, price ceilings and/or price floors. You don't need to look for any statistical data regarding quantities or prices for the product.
4. Conclusion (0.5 of a page)
Analyze data and make a recommendation regarding the city
: analyze data and make a recommendation regarding the city building a convention center in the area. You are to read the articles provided and write a two-page
Restaurant business
: You are the owner of Dinghy's Restaurant, the only restaurant and bar at Honeymoon Beach, which is located on Water Island,
List the information about you and your company
: List the information about you and your company that you want to share with the other party.
How would you manage a high risk situation
: How would you manage a high risk situation?
Discuss the demand, supply, and equilibrium price
: Discuss the demand, supply, and equilibrium price of two substitute products, like beef and chicken; butter, and margarine
Explain the nature of the legal relationship
: Explain briefly, the nature of the legal relationship, if any, between Jane and Dennis. Discuss the legal implications of Dennis' failure to check the details
What are two historical research studies
: What are two historical research studies that were found to be unethical? How do law and ethics affect research? What is the purpose and function
How do overlapping social identities influence
: How do overlapping social identities influence individuals' societal experiences and opportunities? Provide real-world examples to illustrate the complexities
Discusses the role of stakeholders
: discusses the role of stakeholders, which are individuals, groups or organizations with a significant interest in how well a program is working.